Unrelated, but.......if any of you have NatGeoWild.............be sure to watch Savage Kingdom.

It's narrated by Charles Dance.......the actor who played Tywin Lannister..........and it's very entertaining.

Didn't even realize he was narrating it until recently, but now I understand why the show is so good.
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Unrelated, but.......if any of you have NatGeoWild.............be sure to watch Savage Kingdom.

It's narrated by Charles Dance.......the actor who played Tywin Lannister..........and it's very entertaining.

Didn't even realize he was narrating it until recently, but now I understand why the show is so good.

I feel like Tywin was the best acted character on the show. He aint fleshed out in the books but on the show he was that nigga
Like they really sat here and thought this fan fiction fuckery was passable. Arya really pulled off some stars wars bs to kill the night king
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Just started the last arc last night. Am I going to be disappointed at the ending?
Ehhh....it takes a dark turn. I'll just say that.

It didn't hit me as hard as it did others and I didnt have any strong feelings about it, but I completely understand why folks did. Cuz it went there. Lmao
Ehhh....it takes a dark turn. I'll just say that.

It didn't hit me as hard as it did others and I didnt have any strong feelings about it, but I completely understand why folks did. Cuz it went there. Lmao
Disappointed may not be the right word.

I think what I posted after watching it suits how you'll feel afterward:

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I think I know where this is going