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Friendships that aren’t based on actual friendship, but the need for validation….


Brooklyn Bred
This often pop up in two ways…

1) The individual tries desperately hard to do things to gain your approval. They follow you, admire you, and even seem to worship the ground you walk on. But as soon as you disapprove of something they do or show that you have a different way of life they take it so personally offensive that through the mask of friendship they see you as a potential threat.

They feel potentially rejected and belittled by you so they do things such as act defensive without appearing too vulnerable. Or they come across as someone who tries to “one-up” you however they can. But they’ll mask it as friendly rivalry. It’s not. It’s someone who is dealing with a deep sense of inadequacy and is trying to find ways to GAIN your approval WHILE ALSO being disapproving of you at the same time due to their fear that you would reign over them. They play offense and defense at the same time with a smile on their face. Watch how they constantly feel the need to start petty arguments. And when you show no interest they take it like a slap to the face. They seem to place you at a high regard but they wait for the moment to pull you down so they can hopefully feel equal to you.

2) The second person is very similar to the first with a different starting position. This person DOESN’T necessarily show that they wish to be friends with you, BUT at the same time they don’t want you to see them as an enemy. This is because at the very start they realized you’re a threat, but they’ll pretend to like you due to not wanting their spite towards you to seem obvious. Which would make them guilty. Unfortunately the spirit world always reveals itself. You’ll notice ALOT of passive-aggressive behavior from this person. A lot of misled projecting as well as an accusatory vibe from them that seems irrational.

For example, you can walk into a room minding your own business, and immediately they’ll see you as suspicious and intently LOOK for reasons to bring up a matter. If you’re wearing brand new shoes, they’ll give you a backhanded compliment for instance. You’ll know it’s backhanded as well. Body language doesn’t lie.

Truthfully you’re dealing with a jealous person who knows that they’re jealous but they also don’t want to confront that jealousy and they try to seem innocent. Their only sense of reason is to make YOU seem as if you’re doing something wrong because it somehow makes them feel better or more righteous, despite their hearts being murderous. As soon as you confront these people head on they’ll immediately play victim and do whatever they can to never admit that insecurity and claim shit you’ve never truly done. Also, if you have a good reputation with others in that area they’ll do what they can to take that from you as seem as if it’s justified.

I notice these people quickly due to experience, sometimes I walk away. Sometimes I tell em pull up. They usually don’t want any real smoke with you. Just a fleeting sense of feeling “right”…

The most genuine and authentic friendships come from people who expect nothing in regards to you. It’s a neutral stance. Yet it’s a stance that offers much respect. They give you the freedom to be yourselves and vice versa. And In return, no one is personally affected in the long run. This, in my experience is how the best relationships grow and how people learn from each other. A sense of freedom also brings a sense of accountability. The person who is genuinely your friend will also encourage accountability. Next thing you know 10 years would pass and you’ll find yourselves still close to this person without realizing, or trying.

Share any experiences if you wish
This is why I mostly keep to myself got like 5 real real friends

I ain’t got time to be anyone therapist
Im generally a good judge of character. I dont have friends that are jealous of me, that I know of. I dont have friends that need my approval.
I think most of people's so-called friends aren't really friends. People are just bad at classifying relationships in general.

That’s the thing because people more than often end up dealing with wolves in sheep’s clothing.

A friend of mine since 1998 experienced a loss and we had a convo about snakes he realized in his family

So just imagine how worse the experience is for him to be betrayed by his own family
I've dealt with this when I was in 20's, you're cool with someone then all of sudden you realize they are in competition with you. Like why on earth would you need to be in competition with someone you call a friend??
I never understood why folks keep that one friend in their circle who's always negative...makes them backhanded comments...just overall miserable most of the times. What purpose do they serve?

B/c one hand...they keep them around b/c of how long they've been friends. That loyalty to a default type of reason.

But on the other hand...they keep them around as a reminder of not wanting to be that person. Make themselves feel good..."At least my life isn't like Terry's. She's so damn negative"
LOL I I never thought of it that way LOL I only see my closest friends like 3 times a yr if that

Me and mines got a group chat. Speak every now and again. We all got lives. But when we do get up...it's like nothing has changed. Act like we've just seen each other the day b4. Lol
B/c one hand...they keep them around b/c of how long they've been friends. That loyalty to a default type of reason.

This perfectly describes the first type of person. Loyalty has its limits. I don’t know why people have a “ride or die” mentality. Someone who truly respects you wouldn’t want to create a scenario like that for you.

But on the other hand...they keep them around as a reminder of not wanting to be that person. Make themselves feel good..."At least my life isn't like Terry's. She's so damn negative"

Perfectly describes the second type if the individual doesn’t cut em off fast enough. This is more difficult when dealing with family because family is always gonna be around.

I’m super fast to cut off family members. I told my mother and father straight up I ain’t making it to a lot of the funerals on their families side..
Folks call anybody their damn friend.

I have less than 5 friends.

I legit only have 3

Each Ive known for 10+ years

And if I for whatever reason were to stop speaking to them I would still be more comfortable by myself than looking for new people
Some interesting comments in this thread. Some shit I see very differently but neither point of view is right or wrong.
Idk I think me and my friends are outgrowing each other. The shit they be talking about is boring to me. Now these ain’t my day ones but we known each other for a minute. Shit just getting weird