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Food Debate: What goes on grits?

Niggaz out here making everything dessert?! Why y’all putting sugar on every-damn-thing?! Lmao...only sugar should be in grits is from tha apple jelly that fell off your toast when you put your turkey sausage on it to eat like a sandwich...grits get butter, salt, pepper and cheese...that’s it
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Niggaz out here making everything dessert?! Why y’all putting sugar on every-damn-thing?! Lmao...only sugar should be in grits is from tha apple jelly that fell off your toast when you put your turkey sausage on it to eat like a sandwich...grits get butter, salt, pepper and cheese...that’s it

@Kandy make a thread to see how many ABW members got diabeetus lol
Niggaz out here making everything dessert?! Why y’all putting sugar on every-damn-thing?! Lmao...only sugar should be in grits is from tha apple jelly that fell off your toast when you put your turkey sausage on it to eat like a sandwich...grits get butter, salt, pepper and cheese...that’s it


The do beef sausage. I get the whole no pork shits, but beef is cool and in the case of sausage it makes for a much better tasting replacement.

I used to make my own sausage patties out of ground beef, cayenne pepper flakes, brown sugar, salt, pepper, and sage and a few other spices...


goddammit that was some good shit. I need to start making it again.
The do beef sausage. I get the whole no pork shits, but beef is cool and in the case of sausage it makes for a much better tasting replacement.

I used to make my own sausage patties out of ground beef, cayenne pepper flakes, brown sugar, salt, pepper, and sage and a few other spices...

View attachment 58417

goddammit that was some good shit. I need to start making it again.

#nobeefinmyteeth #pause #nh
#dontchowoncow #lol

I haven’t eaten beef or pork in over 20 years my nigga...but beef is still better than oink oink...
#nobeefinmyteeth #pause #nh
#dontchowoncow #lol

I haven’t eaten beef or pork in over 20 years my nigga...but beef is still better than oink oink...

why not? Please don't say "health reasons" 'cause if that's it you might as well put that swine back in rotation.
why not? Please don't say "health reasons" 'cause if that's it you might as well put that swine back in rotation.

I always felt super bloated and mad sluggish eating beef. Started off only eating it every couple of months. Then it went 6 months and after that I lost tha taste and desire to eat it...now after 20 years that shit just sounds mad gross....red meat in general

Chicken, turkey and fish FTW