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Fellas, How do you balance working and fatherhood?


Unverified Legion of Trill member
I often speak with alot of women and they say they are tired of being asked how do you balance motherhood and work or business.

So i ask....fellas how do you balance fatherhood and work or business?
Single father here, who works 55-60hrs a week. My son is 13 he know he comes first but he also understand why I work so hard. I travel with my job as well so I'm gone 3 days a week but by the grace of God I/we have a support system to help us/him whenever I'm on the road.

My weekend are all him we're in the streets F-S doing something spending time together. It's tough but it works at the moment and if he ever feel away about these hours I put in them I'm out.
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I drink

Naw but seriously, I have a flexible job. I work from home twice a week. Right now I got three teens still in the nest so it's regular college/future planning with them. I keep them busy as possible and try to expose them to a wide variety of things. My oldest son works and is part of a program for young black men that introduces them to the alternative energy field. My 18yr old works pretty muc all the time. My 15 year old participates in engineering/robotics programs through the same organization. I try really hard to balance a good work ethic with fun and relaxation.

My 3 yr old is the one that drains me. But he's the most fun also. He's very smart and loves books so I read to him a lot. Just bought him a new book rack the other day and he went nuts. I'm responsible for getting him to daycare since my wife leaves for work at the ass crack of dawn. He also loves being outside so we're outdoors a lot.
Single father here, who works 55-60hrs a week. My son is 13 he know her comes first but he also understand why I work so hard. I travel with my job as well so I'm gone 3 days a week but by the grace of God I/we have a support system to help us/him whenever I'm on the road.

My weekend are all him we're in the streets F-S doing something spending time together. It's tough but it works at the moment and if he ever feel away about these hours I put in them I'm out.
now i feel guilty for saying you ducked the fade....
Shits hard as fuck fr fr

I got three kids, 5-11, and my current job doesn't have set hours so I'm literally stretched thin working 6days a week, 7am to at 5pm. No family support in the area, no friends to help out, they mother is off somewhere, more stressed than I've ever been I think.

BUT thankfully my 11yo is a big help. I got a new career where I'll only be working 4 days a week. They afterschool covers their homework and reading lessons. I don't sleep so I prepare a lot of dinners the night before so we can warm and eat the next day. They Grandma comes down every couple months. It could be better of course but they got stability right now, they know I ain't just ripping the streets and I try to do stuff every weekend when time permits. Wrinkle in time today if I can get out early

I do think they'd rather they mom was at home more than I but that's a convo for a different day
Shit Is Tough, I think I'm doing a decent job got a 16 & 10 yr old both girls.....Mann as they get older Wheww , It's funny how I now discuss menstrual cycles n shhhh so openly Lmao...But I Love them chicks..I'd Die for em

Even tho Ion rock w/they mothers like that, I try to keep everything as realistic as possible...Make sure we go on dates , Involved w/school functions..activities ect
Tho I don’t have a 9 to 5 job I try not to keep my schedule to those hours. I cut back on anything that requires me to be be away from home too much. Also because my wife runs her company from home most of the time she does most of the things with him. But I try to make at least 1 or 2 of his classes or games a week. Football(soccer) and
Tae kwon do. She usually works outside the house on the weekends and he is with me no matter where I am then. I am hoping to slow down as he gets older and become more of just an investor and not so hands on so I can be around more during the week and not dragging him all over the place on weekends.
Great thread

I work and referee basketball on the side

My daughter is 4 and I missed a lot of time the first couple years on weekends and stuff because I was trying to establish myself in my respective organization.

When I first started I was taking whatever games were available because I wanted the money and reps. Now I've reached a point where I've established myself as a top tier official, I can be super selective about what games I call now. Not all money is good money after all.

So I just try to do one on one things with her since she's my only child so that she can feel comfortable with sharing stuff with me. We do rhyming games during car rides, put together puzzles, work on her handwriting, etc..
I don't have any kids ,but salute to all the fathers who are raising their children and being in their lives.
I do want a better job for the long run. She gonna be 10 in a few years. Move into Newport News so I can stay close to her school zone and more time for us
It’s definitely tough but nothing in my life is more necessary and fulfilling at tha same time!! My son is 12 and I get him every Thursday and I bring him back to his mother Monday morning before school. I’m lucky to have a dope support system in my mother and 2 sisters...who both have 2 kids around his age so they all 5 hang together. So whether it’s work or play that I need a break for I can usually get one.

S/n don’t EVER ask me if I’m “babysitting my son”!! You babysit other people’s kids! When you see me out wit my seed or ask me if I’m hitting tha streets tonight and I say “Nah...I got my seed wit me.” just know I’m not babysitting him. I’m raising him!! Peace
Being in the Navy unfortunately comes with some sacrifices I’d rather not do. Normally I work nights so during the week I work from 3:30 PM to sometimes 12, 1 AM. Kids sleep when I get home so I try to be up in the morning early as I can to spend sometime with them. If they were in public school this year I’d barely see them during the week. It’s kinda the blessing of them being home schooled this year but it’s probably not gonna last past this year. If I have to go on detachment I’m gone for at most a month or so and the very least two weeks.

It will only get worse once I go on sea duty probably later this year (plus we might move from VA again). I try to be there as much as I can but I know it’s gonna be more difficult the next few years.
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Being in the Navy unfortunately comes with some sacrifices I’d rather not do. Normally I work nights so during the week I work from 3:30 PM to sometimes 12, 1 AM. Kids sleep when I get home so I try to be up in the morning early as I can to spend sometime with them. If they were in public school this year I’d barely see them during the week. It’s the kinda the blessing of them being home schooled this year but it’s probably not gonna last past this year. If I have to go on detachment I’m gone for at most a month or so and the very least two weeks.

It will only get worse once I go on sea duty probably later this year (plus we might move from VA again). I try to be there as much as I can but I know it’s gonna be more difficult the next few years.

How long you been in?