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Favorite/Best Horror Movies


I'm mad fuckin sensitive to blood and gory shit. Can't take it. Thats why I don't know why I'm so drawn to this movie. But I DO know it gets a bad rep for being "torture porn".

I'd gladly put the Saw series in that category, but the first Hostel movie actually aspired to be a genuine thriller (with horror elements) about being far from home in a hostile country and using your smarts to fight for your fuckin life.

The first Hostel is actually one of my most favorite movies in ANY genre. Even if I do gotta turn away like a lil byatch at the more intense parts.

I'm mad fuckin sensitive to blood and gory shit. Can't take it. Thats why I don't know why I'm so drawn to this movie. But I DO know it gets a bad rep for being "torture porn".

I'd gladly put the Saw series in that category, but the first Hostel movie actually aspired to be a genuine thriller (with horror elements) about being far from home in a hostile country and using your smarts to fight for your fuckin life.

The first Hostel is actually one of my most favorite movies in ANY genre. Even if I do gotta turn away like a lil byatch at the more intense parts.
Martyrs would be considered torture porn that move was wild

I'm mad fuckin sensitive to blood and gory shit. Can't take it. Thats why I don't know why I'm so drawn to this movie. But I DO know it gets a bad rep for being "torture porn".

I'd gladly put the Saw series in that category, but the first Hostel movie actually aspired to be a genuine thriller (with horror elements) about being far from home in a hostile country and using your smarts to fight for your fuckin life.

The first Hostel is actually one of my most favorite movies in ANY genre. Even if I do gotta turn away like a lil byatch at the more intense parts.

"Hostel" was pretty good, but Eli Roth is a 1-trick Pony.

His 1st Movie was called "Cabin Fever", which was Boo-Boo Wack. I should've known, any Horror Movie with Shawn from "Boy Meets World" in it HAD to be suspect. Years later, he hits the mark with "Hostel", then releases a sequel which was a repeat of the 1st one, but this time it was Girls Night Out.

I rewatched it again (including the B-Movie "Hostel 3", which Roth nor Tarrantino were involved with), and I didn't notice until I saw the credits that Takashi Miike had a Cameo in the flick. He was that Asian dude talking to Jay Hernandez telling him, "you better be careful.......you can spend alot of money in there", then laughs and walks away. Takashi Miike has directed flicks such as "Audition", "Visitor Q", and the Cult Classic, "Ichi The Killer", which is definitely not for the faint-hearted or weak-stomached. I'm beginning to think he stole the idea of "Hostel" from him or some other Feature.

Martyrs would be considered torture porn that move was wild

"Martyrs" was DOPE, LOVE the Story and Plot, but if you're talking about Torture Porn, this Japanese flick called "Grotesque" has both of those Movies beat. From the min it starts it gives you exactly what you're watching the Movie for. Shit is all the way fucked up with a brief break in the middle only to continue with the Madness.
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"Hostel" was pretty good, but Eli Roth is a 1-trick Pony.

His 1st Movie was called "Cabin Fever", which was Boo-Boo Wack. I should've known, any Horror Movie with Shawn from "Boy Meets World" in it HAD to be suspect. Years later, he hits the mark with "Hostel", then releases a sequel which was a repeat of the 1st one, but this time it was Girls Night Out.

I rewatched it again (including the B-Movie "Hostel 3", which Roth nor Tarrantino were involved with), and I didn't notice until I saw the credits that Takashi Miike had a Cameo in the flick. He was that Asian dude talking to Jay Hernandez telling him, "you better be careful.......you can spend alot of money in there", then laughs and walks away. Takashi Miike has directed flicks such as "Audition", "Visitor Q", and the Cult Classic, "Ichi The Killer", which is definitely not for the faint-hearted or weak-stomached. I'm beginning to think he stole the idea of "Hostel" from him or some other Feature.

"Martyrs" was DOPE, LOVE the Story and Plot, but if you're talking about Torture Porn, this Japanese flick called "Grotesque" has both of those Movies beat. From the min it starts it gives you exactly what you're watching the Movie for. Shit is all the way fucked up with a brief break in the middle only to continue with the Madness.
Then asian niggas are some weirdo's they legit have no filter or give AF
Scream easy....

I'd beat the shit outta them goofy ass white kids