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Father being petty or is this legit?

The ONLY reason I could see him not doing it is if it wasn't his scheduled week and he already had travel plans and just physically couldn't cause he wasn't gonna be in town that week as well.

Other than that, take the damn time nigga. Who cares who she going with and where she going. Get your child
No excuse. It's a father's duty to be there for his child.

AND, a father's duty is not a mother's plaything. I'm recognizing normal and abnormal behavior. Based on that small exchange I can reasonably suspect that money has been an issue between the parents. If you've never been there before, bless you

Nah bro you're needlessly* addin' extra sauce to the story to make the man's obvious bullshit more acceptable
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Yeah, it's my child. But that's why we have a visitation schedule set up, to safeguard from the bullshit, because clearly, we don't see eye to eye on some things. If it's not within the schedule, then you're asking me for a favor while trying to find a cheap solution and dress it up as spending time with my kid. I understand finding a sitter, I also understand family members and proper planning. No one told her to plan this vacation and then drop it on me the last minute. She tried to be slick and should not have shown her hand.
You the homie.
But bruh.
Her reasoning don’t matter.

If my bm said she bout to get piped down. I would not care.
That’s her and my child is with me.
Nothing is more important than me an my child.
Father is being a whole hoe. This ain't one of those situations where trying to see both sides is worth it. You end up defending fuck nigga parenting tactics. Any man whose response to spending more time with their child with "I'm only being a parent during court appointed hours" is a shitty parent plain and simple.
Yeah, it's my child. But that's why we have a visitation schedule set up, to safeguard from the bullshit, because clearly, we don't see eye to eye on some things. If it's not within the schedule, then you're asking me for a favor while trying to find a cheap solution and dress it up as spending time with my kid. I understand finding a sitter, I also understand family members and proper planning. No one told her to plan this vacation and then drop it on me the last minute. She tried to be slick and should not have shown her hand.
Her trip sounds impromptu which is why she presented it to him the way she did. Sometimes, things just happen. For all we know, the cousins or whoever she was going with was probably like just ask him and see what he says, he might say ok and that's what she did.

I don't think, based on what's presented that this is a regular thing. Seemed like a 1 of 1
You the homie.
But bruh.
Her reasoning don’t matter.

If my bm said she bout to get piped down. I would not care.
That’s her and my child is with me.
Nothing is more important than me an my child.
Respect. I agree, what she's doing is not important. But because she put it out there, the results shouldn't be suprising.

My foundation with my kid should be good enough to where this shouldn't affect our relationship, so this isn't about our kid either.

Now to the unscheduled visitation. Business never personal. With respect and love, if we have an agreement we have an agreement. Courts or no. Going off the text, this isn't about him spending time, she need child care. Does she make concesions for him? Context always plays a part with these screenshots. Either way, for me, sticking to the script keeps the bullshit out for both parties. That's why we put it in place. He a foo for the 300 part, but I think he was trying to make that point.
Her trip sounds impromptu which is why she presented it to him the way she did. Sometimes, things just happen. For all we know, the cousins or whoever she was going with was probably like just ask him and see what he says, he might say ok and that's what she did.

I don't think, based on what's presented that this is a regular thing. Seemed like a 1 of 1
I see what you're saying. Its poor execution on both parts. Sometimes people disguise "getting their life" as "spending extra time" and run wild with it. So when the other opposes, then it's "you aint doin shit for the kid", yet not be about the kid at all
Dude a whole hoe.

He can make that his time. Fuck he need her to define his time for.

Title needing ass nigga

Executive fry cook ass nigga

Professional rug cleaning ass nigga

Transportation specialist with defined route ass nigga

He just hating and starting shit just cuz.
I’m on my Memphis shit today

🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 Get Tennessee on them bruh. It's wild down here in the volunteer state