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Fair or Foul: Was This (BLACK) Cop’s Actions Justified?

Most niggaz can't deliver a one punch ko to save their lives.... even on a woman. So their idea of self defense would end up in grabbing, scratching and pushing. So you gotta take that with a grain of salt. To drop her the way she fell and hit her head on the ground like that. That takes a polished punch.They ain't got the kinda experience that cop has in fisticuffs. So their gauge on the right kinda force to use isn't realistic.

Anybody with the least bit of experience in cracking people's skulls knows that cop is a complete savage... That shit was not necessary at all.
you said you work as bar security/bouncer..... in your own words how would you handle a woman who punched you?
This all brings up a fundamental point.

At what point do we hold anyone accountable for their hands? Yes, the cop went over-the-line, but why is she getting a pass for throwing blows in the first place?

Because she's white? That's not racist to you?

Because she's a woman? That's not sexist to you?

I doubt Officer Dark Pork would've given her that Little Mac Star Punch had she not swung on him, so when do people start conceeding that she got what she came for with her own actions? Or is her own accountability too much for people to accept here....
Folks really got to stop with the bullshit of if a person disagrees with you that automatically means they support the extreme opposite of your point.
It was excessive but dude in a aggressive mob of people arresting a dude that was wanted for murder and armed at the time of arrest. Perfect storm to fuck up.

But that's the job he chose so he just has to be better than that.

Now let's see if this person keeps the same energy today.

The answer to that question is more about what the results of fucking up in certain professions vs others carry and those aren't all equal across every profession. When the result of a person fucking up at their job can result in the loss of life or freedom then there's gonna be a higher expectation of behavior for the people performing that job. It's not really a hard idea to grasp
you said you work as bar security/bouncer..... in your own words how would you handle a woman who punched you?
Grab arms, pull them towards me, turn them and start pushing them towards the door.

I've very rarely been caught with a clean punch unless it was a sucker punch. Most people just can't punch... So it's not my go to to punch back. I'm a grabber first. I'm good at getting people off balance and walking them to the door

but @Allah_U_Akbar that is a lot of feminine passive aggressive posting just becuz u couldn't support/defend ur shitty take in that other thread😂

u still never clarified whether u think there shouldn't be police at all or if u believe there should only be white cops

u would've been better off just saying all cops are fucked up and need better training/supervision

What other thread lol
I'm torn on this because it looks harsh as fuck, but when you initiate physical contact you can't dictate the other person's response. Especially if I'm here to snatch up somebody for attempted murder which is already an intense situation. I don't know wtf you might be tryna do.

The mom and grandma crying but I can almost bet that that young woman witness them disrespect men time and time again which made her feel like she could with remorse. As a parent you gotta teach your kids to keep their damn hands to themselves and lead by example. She could have lost her life over that.
I'm torn on this because it looks harsh as fuck, but when you initiate physical contact you can't dictate the other person's response. Especially if I'm here to snatch up somebody for attempted murder which is already an intense situation. I don't know wtf you might be tryna do.

The mom and grandma crying but I can almost bet that that young woman witness them disrespect men time and time again which made her feel like she could with remorse. As a parent you gotta teach your kids to keep their damn hands to themselves and lead by example. She could have lost her life over that.
Somebody gets it.

We can talk about the girl’s rights and all that - and you’d be correct - BUT when are we going to address the responsibilities that go with those rights?


Never mind. Carry on, then.
I swear the black community normalize the dumbest shit.

Yes we can be hella skeptical and critical of the police, we should.

But the way we wanna give passes to how disrespectful and reckless our youth can be is just damn ignorant. Her attorney talkin bout his size compared to hers which is exactly wtf she shoulda thought about first.

But she didnt because the adults around her been condoning that type shit. Everybody aint gon let your child disrespect and attack them like you do. And despite what yall think, men dont have to tolerate being hit on.
You are the authority, and restraint while also restraining is feasible and needed if based on what we're told there is proper training. Can't let yourself stoop to her level

All that aside, I will say damn at this latest full released video