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fair or foul? two white male college students are forced out of the library for police lives matter sticker and anti-Biden shirt

Fair or foul?

  • Fair, go be racist elsewhere

    Votes: 15 68.2%
  • Foul, a laptop sticker shouldnt bother you that much

    Votes: 7 31.8%

  • Total voters
They knew what they were doing, knew their attire would offend.

Still took their asses over there anyway.

If we acted that way these white folks would....
That devil with the camera will be the same one encouraging Black women to "divest" and taking promotions away from Black men.

I don't give a single flying fuck about a sticker or a shirt.
I think it was fair in the sense that everybody goes thru bullshit for expressing their opinions.

It's been happening to black folks forever. We have to damn near wild out for people to stop criticizing us for our opinions.

If them white boys feel wronged, then fight it ..🤷🏿‍♂️

We been fighting shit forever. Bout time they get some exposure to what it feels like
Niggaz losing their jobs for kneeling to the anthem.... But I'm supposed to call foul for getting kicked out of a library?

The same country that had to CHANGE THEIR FUCKING RULES to ALLOW black people into a fucking library????

When did the first black student go in that college library?? How long was the school up before that date??
