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Fair or Foul.....Savage or Soft

While it’s wack, from the video..he asked to hang out, sounded like on some no money hang.,she said “let’s go get something to eat”, he said cool. He expected her to get her own, he get his own and be on their way after hanging…

She expected him to buy..there’s a huge miscommunication here as both had different things in mind to how this was going to work. That’s on BOTH.

I laughed when she said “you shouldn’t go on dates if you ain’t got money”.. like for real?? Hilarious. So it applies to him, not her..got it lol
Lmaooo. Yall making a lot of general ass statements.

For every date thats transactional, theres a date that folks go on in good faith to get to know eachother and have good company
Yeah but this didn't seem like that

Seems like he was trying to put a down payment on some pussy

He should have just said her a 50 and been done with it