King Freeman
I thought han was buried
They found the 7 dragon balls.
I thought han was buried
Watch Han be a clone or some shit
Watch Han be a clone or some shit
Cuz they only fight for pink slips in countries with no extraditionLol Vin Diesel Wild for this shit Get Paid Young Nigga Get Paid
But Y’all do how this going to end right ? Dom and his brother getting cool. Then it’s Dom and His brother Vs Hobbs & Shaw Plus Black Superman for the 2 on 3 match at Fast and furious 10 winner takes all Cars.
Watch....after all these over-the-top heroics, Dom is gonna die in Fast 15 from an allergic reaction to a bee sting or some shit.
On a planet with no extraditionNah, by then the Necromongers will have invaded Earth and Don will find out he has a look-alike out in the universe named Richard B Riddick, who he'll teach to drive an earth car so they can defeat the Necromnongers together and rule the empire side-by-side.