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Eye Witness: What Is The Craziest Most Random Shit That You've Ever Seen?

Nothing as tragic as the other stories but me and the homies was playing ball one day. This one goofy dude that hoops with us brought his girl out there and my boy was like she treating him wild or whatever so I'm just laughing it off cuz it ain't my business. Out of nowhere she run up to this dude named Rah and is like "Rah why u so ashy?" and proceeds to rub lotion on both this man's legs from top to bottom. Now everybody staring at her man perplexed like ain't that yo girl. He just cheesing talking about it ain't like she fuckin' him. So I just ask what makes u think she's not. Got quiet and fools ignored me and kept ballin'. Turns out she was gettin knocked down by 3 of the dudes out there. Cold game
Damn did they get the ppl that killed dude? Did you find out why they killed him?

Nah as far as I know the murder was never solved because people refused to cooperate

And I heard he allegedly was stealing money and spending it on the sister he was smashing of the guy he was running for. She ended up telling on him to save herself.

If I wasn't there myself I would've believed it was something out of a movie.
Seen a nigga get his brains blown out

They picked up the body and just left chunks of brain there like it was candy paper

Came back the next day and seen it was ate up by cats/dogs/racoons or some shit
Went to visit my cousin in Battle Creek when I was like 16. Summertime so we outside fuckin round with some chicks and folks in the neighborhood. This fat white dude pull up in a station wagon yelling out his window. This dude walks up, reach inside the window and socked dude.. knocked him out...station wagon creeps down the street about 10 mph till he ran into a stop sign.. crazy, but hilarious
I think I seen some shit like this on world star.
Told this one on the ic

Was at the barbershop getting the batman cut....when a fight broke out in the street. One dude go dropped.
He got up and walked off pointing at dude that dropped him.
Like 2 minutes late he comes back with all these dudes and a pipe.

Knocks on dudes door...dude and his brother come out.
So they start scrapping again...and fall into the bushes.

Then everyone runs...chicks screaming.
I thought he might a shot him but didnt here a bang.

Dude that came back with the pipe...didn't have a shirt on now....he took a few steps and blood came out his arm, neck and chest.... Like dudes arm was sliced open and had blood pouring from His neck. My barber took the sheet off me and ran to give it to dude. And they kept trying to get him to sit down and they called the police.

Man....I finished up my cut and was walking home....and dude that had the pipe....his brother came flying up the street with a gun and crying.

Ain't no bitch in me but I ran home like flash.
Seen quite a few gangwar fights.
I was never in them. Someone had to protect the ladies from spillover shit.
Detroit owns this thread. I guess these ashy, hood bugger ass hoes were lying

I ain't even had a chance to really get into it either. I'll throw out a few short ones tho:

Me and my boy was out at Northland Mall one Saturday back in '96. We hit up Musicland to cop some new music before we go hit Belle Isle and wander around the mall to holler at some hoes. We just got done spittin game at a coupla broads when we hear some shit sounding like a fight or something, and we look down the hallway and these two niggas are flying down the hall, arms full of clothes, in a full on sprint. Both dudes got the biggest fuckin cheese grins on their faces and one of 'em hit us with the "whaddup doe" nod when he ran past. Them dudes almost to the door and security finally came around the corner to give chase. Slow as fuck, lookin tired and mad 'cause they know they ain't finna catch them niggas. One of the security guards stopped about two stores away from us and damned near collapsed holding on to a rack of clothes. Me, my boy, and the hoes all fell out laughing at dude and he looked up at us and said "Fuh... Fuh... uuuungh... Fuck y'all... "

Back in the summer of '93 when 7 mile was poppin on the weekends we were in my boy's ride, drunk as fuck as usual, hollerin at the hoes. Traffic was completely gridlocked and I'm sittin off in the back seat nursing a bottle of OGD 100 and some Jolt cola just chillin. We're at the light on 7 and Greenfield waiting for the light to change but there was some niggas standing in the middle of the intersection arguing about something. Two of the niggas walk away heading back towards us while the other niggas was still there on some "whaddup den bitch" shit. The two dudes that walked away got to the car next to us and reached in through the windows. I heard one nigga say "I got somethin for them bitch niggas" and they both stood up with the heat on 'em and they stood there, right next to my window, bussin shots at them niggas in the intersection. My drunk ass just rolled up the window and kept sippin like shit wasn't even happening.

I rolled with one of my peoples to his girl's crib off Fenkell and Linwood. She stayed upstairs in a two family flat and I was supposed to meet her cousin that lived with her. We get there and you could hear the couple downstairs arguing. We go up to ole girl's crib, I meet the cousin and shit and start spittin game. We laughing and shit, passin a bottle around and alladat when the door downstairs sound like it was kicked in. Them niggas was still fighting, the dude staggered out into the yard bleedin from his arm, hand, and leg yellin for help. Blood everywhere, on the steps, the sidewalk, all that shit. I'm like "bruh, it's time to bounce, I got warrants and I ain't trying to have hook askin no questions". I got the cousin's digits and we out. We went back over there a few weeks later and the couple was still together, hugged up sittin on the porch and shit.
The wife and I were up cooking at like 2 am on thanksgiving. For some reason we had to run to a store but the only one opened was off a highway. We coming and stopped at the red light. A white Cherokee making a right turn just smacked this dude walking across the highway.

We jump out like yo what da fuck? U ainā€™t see old boy? Niggas performing cpr and everything on dude. Cops and ambulance show up they take over and before long they just covered dude up with the white sheet.

My wife was like are u gonna just leave him there? They were like we gotta wait for the coroner to come get him. That he is doa and was pronounced dead over the fucking phone. They didnā€™t try to rush dude to hospital or nothing. All on thanksgiving. All because a nigga was trying to beat a fucking light.
Im trying to think of a worthy story. I saw a dude get hit by a car once though. Car wasnt going crazy fast or anything, rolled on the hood and busted dudes windshield, but then he fell to the ground and got up like nothing happened asking the driver if they were ok.
A funny one

Me and a few niggas at a casino drunk and high. Me and 1 dude like we gotta go outside to get some air. itā€™s some other niggas outside fucked up. They all in they man ear telling him this white boy got on a Rolex. This nigga walks over and puts the white boy in some type of cobra clutch hold. White dude arms swinging in the air. Another dude trying to grab his watch and the white boy yelling itā€™s fake.

My man looked at me and I looked him like yo is this really happening right here? We started walking away and laughing until the tears started rolling.
I was coming out of a nightclub with one of my homies. We stopped by the pizza spot to get something to eat. It was probably about 2:00am. So while we're eating a dude comes in and makes an order. He hollers at a guy outside. Then he walks outside and starts shooting at the guy. He must have unloaded the whole gun because I heard more than just a few gunshots.

So then he comes back in the pizza shop and picks up his order like nothing happened. He had the gun (a revolver) in his back left pocket.
I was coming out of a nightclub with one of my homies. We stopped by the pizza spot to get something to eat. It was probably about 2:00am. So while we're eating a dude comes in and makes an order. He hollers at a guy outside. Then he walks outside and starts shooting at the guy. He must have unloaded the whole gun because I heard more than just a few gunshots.

So then he comes back in the pizza shop and picks up his order like nothing happened. He had the gun (a revolver) in his back left pocket.

When I was 16 we was at the crib chilling downstairs. It's me and my cousin, he two years younger than me. We were playing Ps2 but had it paused for a minute cause we on the phone talking to a couple girls. My brother potna named O come downstairs and see we got Mortal Kombat. So he like "Yo I'm nice, put it on."

He start playing against the computer....and this nigga nice. Got a few combos and shit...then my brother other potna come downstairs and see O on the game...he make a comment like he ain't even know the new Kombat was out. So I'm thinking O bout to whoop this nigga...They get on the game and Jay start whooping his ass.. I'm talking 30 hit combos and shit.. first match flawless victory.... they run it back, flawless victory..... He ran off like 5 flawless victories lol. At this point, he talking hella trash and O pissed. "You ain't shit O", "this nigga trash!", Etc

Me and my cousin damn near in tears laughing.. My sister come downstairs and she laughin... Then O start threatening Jay like "say something else, Ima punch you in yo got damn mouth." "I'll strangle you with this joystick cord".

Jay stop talking and They put in Tekken...first match this nigga Jay get a perfect... This happens like 5 more times...We in tears laughing. O calmly puts the joystick down, gets up and walks out.

That was the last time we ever seen dude. Years later found out he moved to Colorado and cut everybody off.
Seen a girl get jumped and stabbed up with a rat tail comb when I was 11.

I was walking home from school and seen this chick walking the other way kinda swiftly almost as if she stole something.

Few seconds later a car pull up flying down the street and she starting panicking looking for somewhere to go. Oh girl drops the bag and heads towards a house and tries to jump the fence but it ain't working cuz her ass got heels on.

Three girls hop out the whip and run towards her and pull her off the fence and start beating her ass. One chick pull out a comb and overhand stabs her with the end

She screaming help me help me somebody help! The owner of the house comes outside and says "get the fuck away from my house ain't nobody dying over here". Take that bleeding shit down the street!"
The three girls stop, pick up the bag and peel off.

Oh girl was leaking! Felt so bad but it wasn't shit I could do. Despite what he said the man did try to help stop the bleeding.
Sitting in the front row of a 3 on 3 pickup game in Hampton VA about 15 years ago......saw these 3 or 4 ballers scrambling for a loose ball and we heard a loud snap/pop followed by silence.....one of the guys got the Kevin Ware/Paul George treatment.....compound fractured shin bone sticking out 8-10 inches through the broken skin.....he was in pain but he started freaking out when he looked down at it but they got him to the hospital ASAP.....not sure what happened to him after that
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When I was 16 we was at the crib chilling downstairs. It's me and my cousin, he two years younger than me. We were playing Ps2 but had it paused for a minute cause we on the phone talking to a couple girls. My brother potna named O come downstairs and see we got Mortal Kombat. So he like "Yo I'm nice, put it on."

He start playing against the computer....and this nigga nice. Got a few combos and shit...then my brother other potna come downstairs and see O on the game...he make a comment like he ain't even know the new Kombat was out. So I'm thinking O bout to whoop this nigga...They get on the game and Jay start whooping his ass.. I'm talking 30 hit combos and shit.. first match flawless victory.... they run it back, flawless victory..... He ran off like 5 flawless victories lol. At this point, he talking hella trash and O pissed. "You ain't shit O", "this nigga trash!", Etc

Me and my cousin damn near in tears laughing.. My sister come downstairs and she laughin... Then O start threatening Jay like "say something else, Ima punch you in yo got damn mouth." "I'll strangle you with this joystick cord".

Jay stop talking and They put in Tekken...first match this nigga Jay get a perfect... This happens like 5 more times...We in tears laughing. O calmly puts the joystick down, gets up and walks out.

That was the last time we ever seen dude. Years later found out he moved to Colorado and cut everybody off.

Live footage of O

One day while working as a supervisor in Iraq, the HR Manager came by my office and told me to come with him ASAP. I thought I was in trouble so I follow him up to the Project Manager's office. We go in and its a guy, that works in our department, already calmly seated and smiling. He was an older unassuming white man with glasses. He always came across as a weirdo but I still don't know what this is about so I am thinking this guy cried to HR about me or something. As soon as I sit down, the Project Manager tells the guy "Well we are here today because you are being immediately terminated for the following reason: Even though you voluntarily gave a coworker a thumb drive that contained pictures of yesterday's dust storm, the coworker noticed inappropriate pictures containing kids were also stored on the thumb drive. She immediately notified Security / IT / HR.....which brings us to this very moment. At this time if you have anything to say, please say it now" The guy just wanted to know when he can reapply to come back to work.....he wasn't even ashamed about it, etc......WTF. Just googled his name and saw that he owns an auto maintenance shop in the Midwest.....apparently the job let him go but they didn't pursue criminal charges.....wow just wow