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Breaking News Explosive Devices Sent To Obamas & Clintons. Update:The domestic MAGA terrorist has been arrested…

Tariq needs to sit his ass down.

The muhfucka's father is Filipino. How the fuck are you a "white supremacist" and your daddy Asian?

You do not have to be of white skin to practice white supremacy. Also, the bombers previous arrest records show that he classified himself as white. Given his look, I'd guess it's his mothers side that's white. That makes him what the old folks call a Hapa, a white person mixed with Asian. Another form of this is the Mestizo, A white person mixed with native Amarican.

And just an FYI, according to the United States Census the race box specifically states the White race as "A person having origins in any of the original peoples of Europe, the Middle East, or North Africa."
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‘MAGA Bomber’ Kept Hit List Of Intended Targets, Officials Say – Talking Points Memo

MIAMI (AP) — Law enforcement officials aren’t sure whether they’ve discovered the last of the pipe bombs mailed to prominent Democrats and other opponents of President Donald Trump. They’ve said the packages were staggered, and more could be somewhere in the U.S. mail system.

What’s more, an official tells The Associated Press that the man suspected of sending the bombs kept a list of elected officials and others who investigators believe were intended targets.

The disclosure of the list came as 56-year-old Cesar Sayoc made his initial court appearance in Miami federal court Monday, and after bomb squads were called to a post office in Atlanta about a suspicious mailing to CNN that was similar to the pipe bomb packages recovered last week.

The official said authorities had recovered soldering equipment, a printer, and stamps similar to those used on the package bombs after arresting Sayoc last week in Florida. Authorities believe he was putting explosives together in his van.

The official also said authorities have been scrutinizing Sayoc’s social media posts. The official wasn’t authorized to discuss the ongoing investigation and spoke on condition of anonymity to the AP.

The FBI said via its Twitter account that the recovered package in Atlanta was “similar in appearance” to the bubble-wrapped manila envelopes authorities say were sent by Sayoc to intended targets from Delaware to California, including former President Barack Obama, former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton and former Vice President Joe Biden.

CNN President Jeff Zucker says all mail to CNN has been screened offsite since last week, when a series of package bombs began appearing around the country. Among them were two apparent mail bombs sent to CNN.

At least some listed a return address of U.S. Rep. Debbie Wasserman Schultz, former chair of the Democratic National Committee.

She represents the South Florida district where the former male stripper, pizza driver and strip club DJ lived in an old van covered with bumper stickers praising Trump, disparaging Democrats and CNN, and showing rifle crosshairs over liberals including Clinton, commentator Van Jones and filmmaker Michael Moore.

Sayoc was arrested Friday outside a South Florida auto parts store after investigators said they identified him through fingerprint and DNA evidence. He faces more than 50 years in prison if convicted on all charges. None of the bombs exploded and no one was injured.

At Monday’s hearing, federal prosecutors said they will seek to keep Sayoc jailed until trial as a flight risk and a danger to the community. A judge set another hearing for Friday on whether to grant bail to Sayoc and to discuss when he will be sent from Miami to New York, where five federal charges were filed.

Shackled at the wrists and ankles in a tan jail jumpsuit, Sayoc became weepy at one point, but said little at the hearing.

Defense attorney Daniel Aaronson urged people not to rush to judgment.

“Right now, we know very, very, very little,” Aaronson said. “We do not know all the evidence the government has. You have to keep in mind he has not been found guilty of anything.”

The FBI said it believes the package intended for CNN headquarters in Atlanta that was discovered Monday is similar to those that Sayoc is accused of sending. Law enforcement officials have said they believe the packages were staggered and more could be discovered.

The New York Times said in a staff memo that it was notified by the FBI on Monday that one of its editors was on a list of potential targets of the mail-bomb suspect. Later that day, an envelope addressed to the editor raised concerns, but New York police determined that it was a false alarm. The editor was not identified.

Trump Claims Calling Media ‘Enemy Of The People’ Is ‘My Form Of Telling The Truth’

During an interview with Fox News’ Laura Ingraham on Monday evening, President Donald Trump dodged Ingraham’s questions about his penchant for labeling the media the “enemy of the people,” by suggesting the name-calling is his “form of telling the truth.”

“It’s a very good question. … It’s my form of telling the truth,” he said. “Here’s my problem. We have a lot of supporters. You know that better than anybody, all you have to do is look at your ratings, OK? But you know it better than anybody. Those supporters know that they’re lying. I watched ‘Meet the Press’ this weekend. Everything was so falsely put. Putting words in people’s mouths.”

Trump, Asked by Reporter If Soros Is Funding the Caravan, Says ‘I Wouldn’t Be Surprised’

Speaking outside the White House on Wednesday, President Donald Trumprefused to rule out the possibility that George Soros might be behind the migrant caravan.

Trump was first asked if he thought someone was funding the caravan.

“I wouldn’t be surprised,” Trump replied.

George Soros?” a reporter pressed.

“I don’t know who, but I wouldn’t be surprised,” Trump continued on. “A lot of people say yes.”

A “lot of people” includes Fox News folks like Lou Dobbs and Laura Ingraham, as well as pro-Trump Congressman Matt Gaetz who tweeted out this:

The conspiracy theory — which apparently dates back to March — may also have contributed to the synagogue slayings in Pittsburgh.

Standing on the White House lawn on Wednesday, Trump gave no further indication about why he would “not be surprised” that Soros was involved, although blaming Soros has proven popular among Trump’s base.
If they had funding they wouldn’t be fuckin walking

They didn't walk the whole way. That's how they got here so damned fast. They had food, water, and rides and got dropped off at points for photo ops. If they were to walk for 8 hrs a day, every single day without missing any amount of time, it would have taken them nearly 4 months to complete the trip. The amount of food needed, per person, to complete that trip would be enormous. They would have needed several pairs of shoes to finish the trip as well as clothes. The logistical challenge of getting thousands of people 2800 miles from Honduras to Tijuana on foot would be a huge undertaking.

Moving that many people that far on foot requires more than a few bottles of water and refried beans and rice. They would have needed help. Tons of help; food, emergency medical, shelter, the whole nine.

And that shit ain't free. I can't say who funded all of that shit, but someone definitely did.
They didn't walk the whole way. That's how they got here so damned fast. They had food, water, and rides and got dropped off at points for photo ops. If they were to walk for 8 hrs a day, every single day without missing any amount of time, it would have taken them nearly 4 months to complete the trip. The amount of food needed, per person, to complete that trip would be enormous. They would have needed several pairs of shoes to finish the trip as well as clothes. The logistical challenge of getting thousands of people 2800 miles from Honduras to Tijuana on foot would be a huge undertaking.

Moving that many people that far on foot requires more than a few bottles of water and refried beans and rice. They would have needed help. Tons of help; food, emergency medical, shelter, the whole nine.

And that shit ain't free. I can't say who funded all of that shit, but someone definitely did.

These caravans happen all year every year. There are multiple caravans happening as we speak. Which group are you tracking?

Trump talking about “the caravan” like it’s a single entity is just red meat for his base.

Cesar Sayoc Pleads Guilty To Mailing Pipe Bombs To CNN, Trump Critics

NEW YORK (AP) — A Florida man pleaded guilty Thursday to sending a wave of pipe bombs to CNN and prominent critics of President Donald Trump, attacks that harmed no one but created fear as the devices turned up, day after day, at locations across the country.

Cesar Sayoc sobbed as he entered the plea before a federal judge in New York.

“I’m truly sorry,” he said.

He faces the possibility of a life sentence on 65 criminal counts, including using weapons of mass destruction and illegal mailing of explosives with intent to kill.

Sayoc had been scheduled to go on trial this summer on charges that he mailed rudimentary bombs to 16 targets, including Bill and Hillary Clinton, Joe Biden, several members of congress, former President Barack Obama and the actor Robert De Niro.

Devices were also mailed to CNN offices in New York and Atlanta.

He has been held without bail since his late-October arrest at a South Florida auto parts store. At the time, he had been living in a van covered with Trump stickers and images of Trump opponents with crosshairs over their faces.

The bombs began turning up weeks before the hotly contested midterm elections, contributing to an already tense political environment.

The hunt for the bomber began Oct. 22 when a device was discovered in a mailbox at an estate in New York City’s northern suburbs owned by the billionaire George Soros, a liberal political activist and frequent subject of conspiracy theories.

A device addressed to the Clintons was discovered the following day, followed a day later by a slew of homemade pipe bombs found at the homes or offices of prominent Democrats. One, addressed to former CIA director John Brennan, was sent to CNN in New York.

Over several days, investigators tracked the packages to a mailing center in Florida.

Prosecutors said the evidence against Sayoc includes DNA linking him to 10 of the explosive devices and fingerprints on two of them.

Without a plea deal, Sayoc faced charges carrying a potential penalty of mandatory life in prison.

Others targeted by the mailings included former Vice President Joe Biden, California Sen. Kamala Harris and New Jersey Sen. Cory Booker.

Pipe Bomb Suspect Cesar Sayoc Described Trump Rallies as ‘New Found Drug’

Cesar Sayoc has admitted to sending explosive devices on both politicians and media figures who have been vocally critical of President Donald Trump last fall. When he was apprehended in late October of 2018, his van was covered in placards and posters that cited specific anti-media language promoted by Trump. Now he is directly connecting his actions to Trump’s rallies by claiming that attending them was like a “new found drug.”

CNN reports:

Cesar Sayoc has admitted to sending pipe bombs to CNN, and various Democratic officials and donors. He pleaded guilty last month to 65 felony counts, including using weapons of mass destruction in an attempted domestic terrorist attack.

In the handwritten letter filed Tuesday in the US District Court for the Southern District of New York, he told a judge that “the first thing you here (sic) entering Trump rally is we are not going to take it anymore, the forgotten ones, etc.”

At those events, he said, he came into contact with all kinds of people. “You met people from all walks life … color etc,” he wrote. “It was fun, it became like a new found drug

Sayoc also reportedly wrote (emphasis ours) that Trump’s self-help CDs reprogrammed his mind, and detailed the negative reaction he got for the Trump stickers on his car, including having his tires slashed and windows were broken.

President Trump has only ramped up the dangerous and divisive rhetoric of late, often calling respected media outlets “Enemy of the People.” Given that that specific language was parrotted by an individual who has admitted to sending explosive devices to media personalities critical of Trump, continuing that language is not just irresponsible, it’s incredibly dangerous

MAGA Mail Bomber Blames Steroids Abuse In Rambling Letter To Judge

NEW YORK (AP) — A Florida man who mailed crudely made pipe bombs to prominent critics of President Donald Trump said he abused steroids for over 40 years, an issue his lawyers say they’ll cite at sentencing.

Cesar Sayoc made the assertion in lengthy and rambling letters to a federal judge that were posted in his court case file Tuesday.

Sayoc, 57, pleaded guilty to explosives-related charges in March and faces a mandatory 10-year prison term and up to life in prison when he’s sentenced Aug. 5. His lawyers told the judge in a different letter that a psychiatrist with specialized knowledge of the effects steroids can have on mental health will compose a report on Sayoc’s extensive steroid use prior to that sentencing date.

He said he never intended to injure anyone when he mailed 16 rudimentary bombs to CNN offices and numerous Democrats, including former presidential nominee Hillary Clinton, former President Barack Obama, former Vice President Joe Biden, members of Congress and actor Robert De Niro.

The bombs were mailed to addresses in New York, New Jersey, Delaware, California, Atlanta and Washington, D.C., and began turning up over a five-day stretch weeks before the 2018 midterm elections.

No bombs exploded, which Sayoc said was by design, describing the devices as little more than fireworks. Prosecutors plan to submit a detailed report on the explosives prior to sentencing.

In his letters, Sayoc told U.S. District Judge Jed S. Rakoff that he had abused steroids for more than four decades and was using 274 different supplements and vitamins along with “heavy amounts of steroids” before his arrest.

He wrote that before he mailed explosives, his idea “first was how to tone down the liberal left violence platform.” He wrote that he believed prominent Democrats were encouraging violence, saying he had been attacked personally — including as he returned to his hotel after attending Trump’s inauguration.

Sayoc also asserted “leftist leadership” had encouraged followers to commit violence that caused $1,800 worth of damage to his van, including slashed tires, sliced fuel lines, broken windows and doors and damage to his battery that a mechanic told him could have caused it to explode.

Sayoc has been held without bail since his arrest in late October outside a South Florida auto parts store. He had been living in his van, which was plastered with Trump stickers and images of crosshairs superimposed over the faces of Trump opponents.

Since being imprisoned, Sayoc said, he has heard voices and suffered various psychological effects, including depression, high anxiety, vertigo and loneliness.

Explaining his crimes, he said he was never political until he was looking at Facebook on his phone one day when “Donald J. Trump popped up …”

He likened attending a Trump rally to a newfound drug.

“I was getting so wrapped up in this new found fun drug,” he said in one handwritten letter.

Now, though, he says he has sworn off politics.

“Politics is dirty, ruthless, deadly,” he wrote. “It is a poison. It will drive you crazy like it or not.”