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Breaking News Explosive Devices Sent To Obamas & Clintons. Update:The domestic MAGA terrorist has been arrested…

There's an important question we need to ask ourselves......why do the CIA and Secret Service have a Twitter page?

what a bunch a fuck shit. Trump don't even give af bout none of this. POTUS supposed to be a leader n be able to unite ppl. but this con man/reality tv star is incapable of doing that. ppl get the leaders they deserve.

Elections matter.
LOL at all those Rebublicans and Trump supporters all tweeting out condemnation simultaneously... And all almost using the same language asnd and phrases...

Like they all have guilty conscience

Ninth Suspicious Package Found In Delaware Addressed To Joe Biden

FBI officials intercepted a ninth suspicious package at a mail facility in Delaware either late last night or early Thursday morning, CNN reported.

The package was reportedly addressed to former Vice President Joe Biden. It was unclear whether the package contained the same explosive device that’s been sent to eight other people or media organizations in the past few days, the majority of which were recovered throughout the day Wednesday.


Gingrich: Media Has ‘Earned’ Label Of Enemy Of The People
Kate Riga

Former Speaker of the House Newt Gingrich said at a Thursday Axios event that while President Donald Trump’s calling the press the “enemy of the people” drives partisanship, news outlets have “earned it.”

Per Axios, he added that the “tribalization” of cable channels like CNN — which on Wednesday was sent an explosive in the mail — is one of the main factors driving people apart.

House Office Building Being Evacuated
Kate Riga

Cannon, one of the House office buildings, was evacuated Thursday afternoon due to an “audible alarm.”

It is unclear what exactly prompted the security measure.

The U.S. Capitol Police sent out the following alert:

EVACUATE: Cannon due to an audible alarm. Occupants should:

* Remain calm and move in a safe manner to the exits.
* If nearby, take annunciators on the way out.
* Close doors behind you but do not lock.
* Proceed immediately to your designated assembly area and check in with your OEC.

Ted Cruz Attacks Dems, Media After Bomb Scare: ‘Any Narrative That They Can Twist’ Against Trump, ‘They Will’

Sen. Ted Cruz (R-TX) appeared on The Hugh Hewitt Show on Thursday morning to discuss the bomb threats and mailed devices sent to Democrats over the last few days, among other topics, and characterized Democrats as suffering from “Trump Derangement” and the condemned the media’s coverage of the bombings specifically.

“The President’s condemned it. The Vice President’s condemned it. Rod Rosenstein‘s condemned it. I’m sure you’re going to condemn it” said host Hugh Hewitt referring to the events of the week. “But the media is running with the narrative that it’s Donald Trump’s fault. I’m sure you see this. And it makes me crazy. It’s either some nut in a basement, or it’s a hostile power messing with our elections. But what do you make of the attempt to blame Trump?”

“Look, it’s, the media’s doing what the media does, which is any narrative that they can twist against Trump, they will do so,” said Senator Cruz. “This is terrorism. I mean, this is terrorism, and whoever the terrorist is needs to be caught, needs to be prosecuted, he needs to be put in jail for a long, long time. And I’m confident that’ll happen.”

Cruz cited the media’s need to stick to the “narrative” of blaming Trump, which GOP spokesperson Kayleigh McEnany also said in a heated Fox News segmenton Thursday, and which Press Secretary Sarah Sanders echoed in speaking to Fox and Friends early this morning.

Senator Cruz praised the work of law enforcement in apprehending the Austin bomber some months ago, and said that is confident that this attempted bomber will be caught as well. He said that “violence is always wrong wherever it occurs on the political spectrum,” and referred back to the politically motivated attempt to assassinate Republicans during a baseball practice in 2017.

“Disagreement is fine. It’s even healthy to disagree on policy issues,” he said. “But violence has no place in it, and we need to be able to disagree with each other with civility and with respect.”

Later in the interview as they discussed the confirmation of Justice Brett Kavanaugh to the Supreme Court, Hewitt asked about the behavior of Democrats.

“Do you believe that the Democrats will modify their behavior in the next two years? Or has President Trump just simply driven them crazy?”

“He’s clearly driven them crazy,” said Cruz. “They are in the fits and throes of Trump Derangement Syndrome. And some of it is, I think, they’re captive to their base. Their far left base, their radical base, is so furious that the only thing they see is hatred of Trump.”
