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Everybody Aint Fit To Be Parents

How does this woman being in jail help her children?

Again, we can all acknowledge she fucked up but she shouldn't be in jail


she shouldnt have easy access to them children either until shes proven she can be responsible
Bruh... She don't need help. She ain't shit, you can't help an "ain't shit" muhfucka to "be shit".

If it was a single father that had that baby out there shivering like that I really doubt anyone would be saying "he needs help".
Ok brother

remove THIS woman from THIS situation. How does what I said/propose make it any less valuable?

There are people who need help. They do not need to be in jail.

We can't be anti police when it comes to one min blacks are treated by them then be pro police the next

she shouldnt have easy access to them children either until shes proven she can be responsible
I can get with this although this is still a very layered situation cause what kinda course correction will she be taking on during this period when she's not able to see the children everyday

This is the focus for me
Another thing often not reported for a myriad of reasons. I'm not as versed about it but I know a lot of times it doesn't look the same with every woman so a woman might be experiencing it and will just chalk it up to just being sad or any other ememotion

Nah I'm talking about a full on mental break for women as well as men. I can imagine parental stress has been the main or triggering cause of mental breakdowns for quite a few people. But no one ever talks about it.
This ain’t a “fuck up” @AP2.5

This is the lowest low of humanity.

When it comes to kids and adults being extremely abusive it’s no second chances. Ain’t no help for people like that. They almost always go back to their abusive ways.

treat kids like trash and I will see that person as trash that needs to be thrown out.

No empathy will ever be given for those that abuse children.
This ain’t a “fuck up” @AP2.5

This is the lowest low of humanity.

When it comes to kids and adults being extremely abusive it’s no second chances. Ain’t no help for people like that. They almost always go back to their abusive ways.

treat kids like trash and I will see that person as trash that needs to be thrown out.

No empathy will ever be given for those that abuse children.
I understand your pov brother and ty for sharing it

I could totally be projecting about this particular person but I know when I had my daughter, her mother and I were ready to have a child. We took the classes, I went to the appointments with her, etc...

I know that's just not a reality for a lot of parents, especially first time ones and I was 30, and not in my early/mid 20s.

So I'm not going to sit on my horse and just say someone in THIS instance shouldn't be allowed to course correct.
Ok brother

remove THIS woman from THIS situation. How does what I said/propose make it any less valuable?

There are people who need help. They do not need to be in jail.

We can't be anti police when it comes to one min blacks are treated by them then be pro police the next

Who said anything about the police???

And I'mma stress this part: If it was a single father there would be no leeway given whatsoever.
Nah I'm talking about a full on mental break for women as well as men. I can imagine parental stress has been the main or triggering cause of mental breakdowns for quite a few people. But no one ever talks about it.
I think it is talked about but maybe just not in the spaces you frequent.

But it can be overwhelming. I think the first part is acknowledging you don't know everything and despite what you've been told, shit just might not fall that way for you. And this is speaking as a man. I was super tired cause I was trying to make things as less stressful for her as she was breastfeeding and anyone who has experience with this knows a woman's supply can slow down and in some cases cease altogether if she's really stressed.
Who said anything about the police???

And I'mma stress this part: If it was a single father there would be no leeway given whatsoever.
I could've swore you said lock her up but if you didn't, I apologize

And that's all issue as well, men should be given leeway but we know the double standard society we live in doesn't often times allow for that to happen
Nah I'm talking about a full on mental break for women as well as men. I can imagine parental stress has been the main or triggering cause of mental breakdowns for quite a few people. But no one ever talks about it.

Men are always the overlooked party in all of this. Women got support groups and resources out the ass when shit gets tough. What do men have? A bottle of liquor or a 40 of brew and a "man up" speech.
I think it is talked about but maybe just not in the spaces you frequent.

But it can be overwhelming. I think the first part is acknowledging you don't know everything and despite what you've been told, shit just might not fall that way for you. And this is speaking as a man. I was super tired cause I was trying to make things as less stressful for her as she was breastfeeding and anyone who has experience with this knows a woman's supply can slow down and in some cases cease altogether if she's really stressed.
Word. Guess just never actually hearing anyone patient or doctor straight cop to it is weird to me. But you're right I'm not in any spaces where I typically might.
This ain’t a “fuck up” @AP2.5

This is the lowest low of humanity.

When it comes to kids and adults being extremely abusive it’s no second chances. Ain’t no help for people like that. They almost always go back to their abusive ways.

treat kids like trash and I will see that person as trash that needs to be thrown out.

No empathy will ever be given for those that abuse children.
You don’t have any middle ground in conversation. Lmao. I respect it.
How does this woman being in jail help her children?

Again, we can all acknowledge she fucked up but she shouldn't be in jail

How is endangering a child not a jail worthy crime? Was the kid dressed like that because she just didn't have the money to clothe him properly. Sometimes people are just negligent in their responsibilities. Her going to jail isn't meant to help her children. It's meant to punish her. Getting the kids away from her is what's meant to help them.