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Ever Feel Like U Have To Change The Way U Move Because You’re Black?

On a personal note, i feel that 9.5 times out of 10 im more successful and/or better looking and/or better dressed than the average white person i see. That also grants me the confidence to not give a fuck.

Being comfortable in your own skin is first and foremost
Like alter your appearance or speech pattern to make white folks feel comfortable?

Like, in a parking garage, if a white woman has her back turned and is unaware of my presence and I’m walking to my car, I might make some type of noise to get her attention before I get near her...

That way I don’t scare the shit outta her if she turns around and sees a tall black man headed in her direction.

Or maybe change your behavior for self preservation.

Like once I could tell these cops were following me but they were a block away on the passenger side.

Everytime I got to an intersection, I look to my right and I would see them.

I got to my house and just stayed in my car because I knew they’d be circling around to see where I was.

Sure enough here they come.

I stay in my car because I don’t wanna have to deal with their bullshit.

I thought if I just stayed in my car, they would just drive past.


These motherfuckers wanted to know what I was doing.

Questioning me about why I’m just sitting in my car.

Ain’t that a bitch???

The fact that I park in front of my own house, but I stay in my car because I don’t wanna deal with cops is all the way fucked up.

You ever have to change your behavior/daily routine because of the color of your skin?
not really outside of work but yeah i be doing that shit

im not doing it to make other people comfortable, shit just turns out that way

because the truth is if they're afraid of me or paying me too much attention, im in danger

also this aint about tatts or hair or the way I dress.....its more about how i speak and carry myself

What do i look like dogging Koonye and Terry Crews then doing the same thing they do?

White people's comfort is not my concern
I remember when i first saw this in 2014.. i was.. flabbergasted

Koonye has worked on his white voice and its much more natural sounding now than it was 7 years ago

I don't have the desire or energy to keep up a front like that. It must be kinda draining
At most I'll cut back on slang but I don't change the tone of my voice or how I act or feign interest in shit I actually don't care about. I've been told by coworkers before that I seem "disinterested" because I don't really socialize with them like that outside of work shit and barely if ever went to any happy hours or any of those other things they would do. I'm admittedly bad at that whole "pretend to be friends" shit alot of people can do so I just don't put myself in that position
the white people in my family notice it when im around other black folks or talking on the phone lol

its just a whole different conversation

they notice it in other situations with other people too....the wife had a fender bender the other day and told me about how she had a moment where she actually saw "the problem" and her privilege

she said the cop was cool (black) but the other girl who was also black was acting dodgy and scared af.....they were having a regular convo but said she was yes sir'ing and no sir'ing and would ask him first any time she wanted to move like going back to the car to get something....kept her hands at sides the whole time

I just laughed and shook my head like "yep".....it was just a trip for me that she even picked up on it
I understand the sentiment and why one would do this, but I actively fight against code switching.

If I want to alert someone to my presence to not scare them, I'm doing it because they're women, not because they're white.

I don't try to intentionally make white people uncomfortable either. I just be myself. If people don't like it, that's a them problem.
I thought this was the everyday norm for black men in America? Trust I would love nothing more than to pretend I'm not black and ignore white folks the same way ignore everyone else, but I like living. They killing us for way less than justifiable. I can get militant about my rights when the police can't shoot on sight.
Nothing other than having receipts or something ready just in case I get asked about something. I be ready to turn the discomfort back on them on some "my shit is in order so what is this really about?"

Example: went to the store yesterday to get a bag of ice. Ice is right next to the exit so I paid for it at self checkout first then grabbed it on the way out. As im walking out this white lady that work there followed me out asking me did I buy that. I was like tf? She was like im just making sure you bought that.

I took the receipt out and tried to hand it to her and she didn't take it...just was like ok I was just making sure. I was "nah, go head and look at it" She was shook af. Like you wana ask me if im stealing $2 bag of ice then yo dumb ass need to follow it all the way through.
on the contrary, being black stokes my resentment for the institutions that wrong us... at times to a fault.

i was walking my dog one late night, came 'round the block towards my house and saw a pig mobile in the distance (about a block away). now i dunno about anyone else, but when i see cops i'm not exactly thinking positive thoughts. without really thinking much of it, i threw up the middle finger in their direction. call it my NWA moment. mind u, it doesn't sound as bold knowing i did this not expecting in the least that they'd even notice. the car was parked with the taillights facing me and like i mentioned was a block away. of course, in hindsight, knowing cops on duty, they'd be scoping shit out right? clearly my naivete got the better of me when not a second later the donut munchers start pulling a u-ie. i could only assume it was in reaction to what i did since it was a late, quiet night with nothing else around and the car was previously at a standstill. needless to say i ran my ass back into my house stat as if those niggas were shooting at me.

easily one of the dumber things ive done (who knows how some angry cops might react to an aggressive doberman) but part of me is still proud of having the audacity.
I remember when i first saw this in 2014.. i was.. flabbergasted

Koonye has worked on his white voice and its much more natural sounding now than it was 7 years ago

I don't have the desire or energy to keep up a front like that. It must be kinda draining

He had bottoms in and still felt the need to have that white voice. Scust.