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Don’t move in with a woman…

Not that they don't exist, but I don't know any niggas who actually think about shit like this, in those terms. Like if I was with a woman and we decided to co-habitate, we would move into whichever one of our places made the most sense, in terms of space and location and shit or we'd find a new spot.

Maybe I should be, but I don't be thinking about power balances and shit like that when I'm making life choices dealing with women.
As a 38-year old man, my finances are in a place to where if I move into her house and she eventually be on her bullshit and kick me out...I say 'Gotcha.' and go find another place that same day. I guess if that wasn't the case, maybe I'd be more concerned about that type of shit. So I guess that's a young nigga mentality, maybe?