Doja Cat exposed for being anti-black and hanging out with White Supremacists

This first time I heard about her on the interwebs she was stuntin with a cac, an extra mayo ass cac too
Never trusted her
Was mad she had a fat ass, waste of an ass. Plenty righteous sistas outchere with no booty God could've gave that ass too
Whoa whoa whoa, hold up.......

she actually made a song called DINDU NUFFIN in 2015? literally made a song about the racist 4chan meme after Ferguson? This coonette shoulda never been allowed near the cookout in the first place smh
This one hurts, I can't lie.

I know her type well, though. All they care about is appealing to white dudes.
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Wait what meme is this?
Its not so much a meme(that ive seen) more of a saying that ignorant ass cacs use pretty much when any black person gets arrested, the same cacs that spout "blue lives matter" and boot lick for cops
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This bullshit is why she's been able to last
How so looking at her ass doesn't help her doesn't buy an album nor stream a song. So what's the problem ?? What's gonna make her last is your people turning the other cheek like always
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