No, I couldn't do it. Even if I know a patna a mines just hollered at the chick and the situation didn't go into a relationship. I'll still stay away, just too many women around to be back-dooring.
9 outta 10 times my patnas, they'll know her history before they get with a chick....questions like "have you ever had a train ran on you before" "who have you slept with that runs in my circle" "Do you wanna tell me something that I don't know about you, here's your chance, please include sexual acts" "How many one-night stands you've had" "You wanna ever in life sleep wit a chick" Shit like that would be asked in the getting to know stage. But in an event if my patna doesn't know, I'll tell him if I know what I'm telling him about his chick is true. I was his friend before she would be his gf or wifey.
Gotta vet your partner, if you don't, then that's your fault when you find out that she's done this, that, and the 3rd.
You setup questions like that so you won't be surprised if some fuckery was to come your way.
Trust, whenever I do get marry, I'd be able to tell you if my wife is able to produce twins/triplets/or quadruplets and their names she wants them to be
Gotta vet your partner good.