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Do You Support Employees Having A Union?

And this is the crux of it. You get rewarded for increased sales, productivity, etc so it irks you when supposedly bad workers aren't filling the companies, and thus your own pockets. Given this, it's not a reach to suggest some supervisors and managers shuttle their resentments into irrational and unrealistic expectations on the work ethic of some employees.

At UPS, the less we got paid the more the manager got paid.

I'm not saying your misgivings about union protected slackers is unsubstantiated, but your position as manager is a red flag.
When only one of my team members consistently fucks the dog and rows against the team, the problem is them. I be the boss I'd wanna work for: fair, approachable but firm, appreciates, values and respects me. I operate as a team not some dickhole barking orders at people making their life hell. A leader is only as good as their team and vice versa. The one person(left; the others left of their own accord) who rows against us, is set to retire in a few months, doesn't wanna do the work cuz she's leaving soon. Everyone thought it was the warden style boss we had before that caused it and hoped when I took over she'd come out of her funk, but she hasn't and doesn't appear she will.

And idk, but it's red tape ya gotta lay down before you're firing anyone in THIS union. They wanna see write ups, warnings, exact evidence of why they should be terminated. It's not tell the boss 3 times they fucked and now they get fired. You have to prove exact firable offenses. So then, how do you remove someone who has lost the care but does the bare minimum so they can't be fired? Everyone has to suffer their "my mom just died" energy that affects the whole team. Then the team is under performing cuz their mood is bleeding out into other. Others have to do the "one thing she forgot to do".

It's little, subtle things that affect the whole team. And from my awesome boss stand point how long should I have to let this one person, disrupts 16 other people's performance before I'm fed up? Take an hour to do a simple task that takes 15 min. Have to time someone else doing the same task with less seniority and skill and say there... how can this newbie do so well. That's one performance based write up, now 2 more offenses of something exact. They show up on time, mostly stick to break times, always a few extra but worthy of write up tho? Over all yes, it's lost time do to their lack of engagement and interest and it makes the rest of the team suffer.

I have an amazing team, I couldn't be more lucky and they hear that regularly, but this one person has lost all will to work or be engaged cuz they been there 25 yrs and if they just say fuck it and retire early the company chops their pension cuz companies are dirt bags, so totally understand why she ain't leaving, I wouldn't either, be dumb af. Same would happen if she got fired. I DONE WANT HER FIRED, I would much rather her be engaged and share her experience with us before she leaves instead.

So maybe you can see the plight I'm in. But it's not just her, like I said, the others left of their own accord. It's only one way this ship salesšŸ˜‰, we all row together. A number of our days our ships sails crooked and off target when we could be in the lead!
I be the boss I'd wanna work for: fair, approachable but firm, appreciates, values and respects me. I operate as a team not some dickhole barking orders at people making their life hell. A leader is only as good as their team and vice versa. The one person(left; the others left of their own accord)

This is your interpretation of how you lead. Those who work under you are not here to vouch for you.

Others left of their own accord? You shouldn't feel comfortable asserting that because there is no way for you to know that. How could you possibly verify that? What reason would they have to tell you that they left because the company sucks, or that they are leaving because of you?

Appreciates and values you? These words are red flags sounds as if you think you should be praised for simply doing your job. You are not special and are not the reason they want to be employed, you're just the person that turns in their payroll.

And idk, but it's red tape ya gotta lay down before you're firing anyone in THIS union. They wanna see write ups, warnings, exact evidence of why they should be terminated. It's not tell the boss 3 times they fucked and now they get fired. You have to prove exact firable offenses. So then, how do you remove someone who has lost the care but does the bare minimum so they can't be fired?

Hmmmmmm. Imagine that! Someone wants just and legally actionable evidence, of an employee failing, before you fire them for what you perceive as failing

Your company is satisfied with these rules, as evidenced by the fact that they continue to employ union workers and enter CBAs with said union.

If they're doing the bare minimum, then guess what?! They're doing their fucking job. It's the minimum. Meaning as long as they don't produce less than that amount the company has no problem paying them.

The company pays them the bare minimum, it pays you the bare minimum, it only needs the bare minimum to operate, and yet it disturbs you that someone would give them exactly what they paid/asked for.

And from my awesome boss stand point how long should I have to let this one person,


So maybe you can see the plight I'm in. But it's not just her, like I said, the others left of their own accord. It's only one way this ship salesšŸ˜‰, we all row together. A number of our days our ships sails crooked and off target when we could be in the lead!

Sounds that you do want her fired but lack any reasonable justification for doing so. The plight is that you want her to do more than the contractually agreed upon amount of work.

Based off what I've read in this comment, you're a shit leader who harbors resentment at an employee for presumably costing you some bonus dollars.

You are likely the kind of person that thinks the hardest working person and the person who receives the most rewards are one and the same. They are not. You are far too comfortable patting yourself on the back and commending yourself. It's as if you think the CEO personally chose you for management because only you were fit for the position.

You are delusional. And your purview of a company's workings are corrupt and false.

You are likely exceeding the amount of work your company expects. But that doesn't matter because in all likelihood they are already paying you less than what you deserve. Your pay is based on that a reasonable price for your work is whatever amount. The company is willing to pay no more than that amount. But as far as staffing why should they pay that amount when they can get someone just as good to do the same job for slightly less but still within range.

They are getting more work than promised while paying less than the maximum amount. Do you honestly think that your CEO/CFO works that much harder than you?