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Do you regret voting for biden?

Do regret voting for Biden?

  • Yes

    Votes: 4 10.0%
  • No

    Votes: 26 65.0%
  • Hmmmm

    Votes: 3 7.5%
  • I didnt vote Biden

    Votes: 7 17.5%

  • Total voters
As has been said him being the choice is the regret. I do think people don't acknowledge that the right has been open and honest about the fact that they're actively working against alot of measures the left wants to push. They were open about it with Obama and have only gotten more blatant about it since. The left is just too pussy to actually fight back against it.

Also the right is so extreme middling figures can call themselves progressive while being beholded to the same middle of the road bullshit and making progressives outcast ..see Biden and other establishment figures... there hasnt been a parade of pushback vs the "culture wars".. i hate that word its just thinly vieled white supremacy and always has been...

..the Dems play to the same crowd they always do.. these octogenarians and their dutiful mentee play to getting elected by conservative/middling americans
Meh. It is what it is.

White ppl n americans gone do what they do.

Have fun when trump is president again 24.

Yall think he was bad b4, yall aint seen shit yet
He might legit be in prison, tho. Those hearings are gettin AT him. Everyone is deserting the muhfucka.
I wasn't going to vote for trump under any circumstances.

And I always vote.

So I voted for Biden. I don't necessarily care for Biden, nor do I think he's doing a good job. And if the was a better choice, I would have voted for them.

But as I started. I wasn't going to vote for trump under any circumstances
I don't have a fairy tail ideal behind voting. I don't think anything I vote for is going to have immediate direct impactful effect. Like I'm not looking at elected officials as people who have to say what I want and speak to my interests.....I don't look at voting like that.

To me it's like...

I know you really don't give a shit about this... And have an extreme low level of expectations either way... But... Cuz we're legally obligated to.... Your vote "matters"....

So this.. Or that?
I don't know one person that was happy voting for Biden, the alternative was a man who tried to have his own VP hung in front of the capitol so it was truly a case of picking the lesser of two evils. What would be interesting though is if Biden got primaried for 2024...

If they can manage to neuter Trump I think Biden bows out of the 2024 race on his own
I don't know one person that was happy voting for Biden, the alternative was a man who tried to have his own VP hung in front of the capitol so it was truly a case of picking the lesser of two evils. What would be interesting though is if Biden got primaried for 2024...

I used to think along the lesser of two evils argument but I realized its a false premise.

This last election you had bold, racist piece of shit vs a supposedly not racist piece of shit who fought to keep schools segregated, droped a nuke on our community with his crime bill, and a long with a list of other shit, then turns around and tells me I aint black if I dont vote for him.

I couldnt do it