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Do you have an internal monologue?

Are your thoughts audible sentences or not? The point was that when thought pop into their head, most people hear a voice in their head. Some of us, do not.

Take your initial question for example. Most people would have a voice in their head that said "Michael Jordan is the goat" or "Lebron got it" while others would have Mike's picture pop up in their head instead. That's if they cared about basketball and had a clear answer.
Make your inner voice yell or whisper
You have to think of what it sounds like to whisper and you have to think of what it sounds like to yell

Now, just whisper, did you have to think to do it, yell, did you have to think to do it?
A great real world example of this is people amping up others to fight

Here’s this person that’s not offended enough by stimuli to want to engage in the activity of an anger induced fight. This person the person doesn’t feel anyway, fluid (no dialogue)

Here’s this person that’s telling them every reason why they should be mad and why they should fight (inner dialogue)

Now this person who didn’t want to fight, wants to fight because something else in its environment told it that a fight what necessary

Our inner dialogue is a culmination of the programming of our surroundings and beliefs from our upbringing, but it is not us.

Thats why people often times say things like, I don’t know why I’m so bothered by this, because..you..are not, the programming that runs in the background that influences you, says you should be. That and internal dialogue are the exact same thing.
If you guys are saying this in terms of can you hear a voice when you read. Thats not what people mean by internal dialogue, no one can read and not hear a voice. It’s impossible to comprehend information without processing it.
Don’t mind me man, bored with nothing to focus energy to, made me direct it here and be argumentative in a way. I don’t care enough to need to be right, but I still felt compelled to debate from that perspective. Yall could be right too, who knows?
If you guys are saying this in terms of can you hear a voice when you read. Thats not what people mean by internal dialogue, no one can read and not hear a voice. It’s impossible to comprehend information without processing it.

This is exactly what we are talking about. Yes, that’s what an internal monologue is. You’re talking to yourself in your own voice in your head.

Those who don’t hear a voice, they process it differently by seeing shapes, or whatever else they think up.

Did you watch the video? That would’ve saved you typing that weird nonsense.
This is exactly what we are talking about. Yes, that’s what an internal monologue is. You’re talking to yourself in your own voice in your head.

Those who don’t hear a voice, they process it differently by seeing shapes, or whatever else they think up.

Did you watch the video? That would’ve saved you typing that weird nonsense.
Bruh ion give a fuck about what’s going on, I was bored
The majority of us can talk inside our heads. We read this way, think to ourselves, and for many it’s constant.

But there’s people who don’t have this. There’s people who, rather than hear themselves, visualize everything.

I’ve never known this to be a thing. It’s fascinating and perplexing.

This guy, 1 minute in, interviews a woman who experiences things in her head much differently than us who experience an inner monologue.

I’m just learning people don’t have several different monologues going on and it freaked me out now you’re telling me there’s people who don’t talk to themselves at all?
Could be why some people talk to themselves out loud instead
Yo.. as an internal monolgue guy, this shit is a huge pet peeve for me lol. I dunno if it's because I don't talk out loud to myself or what but a lot of times I'll be aware they're talking to themselves and it irks me, but other times when ill be like "what you say??" And they be like "oh, nothing. Just talking to myself." My immediate thought is "well stfu then!". Maybe I just like silence too much lol.

Also, I wonder if those people that are visual and possibly talk to themselves out loud are the same people that do the whole small talk bit which I also despise. Like today, kid I work with walks in and I'm putting chicken in the air fryer and he walks by and goes "oh! Putting wings in the air fryer?" And I just replied "yep."

In my head though I'm screaming "what the fuck does it look like I'm doing?? You see me here with wings and the air fryer. You heard the buttons. You can literally hear and see it cooking. Then go and say that."

It shouldn't bug me as much as it does. I'm even seeing it as a bit of an overreaction, but wtf is the point of asking that? Wtf would he expect as a reply? Why make noise when you can clearly observe the situation. Ugh.
I wonder, these types of people don’t get music stuck in their heads? I wake up every morning w a song in my head.