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Do you care how much other people get paid?

No. I don’t give a fuck what other people do
Or how they live. Whether they wanna get paid an insane amount of money...or if they wear a bonnet in public.

None of my gotdamn business.
I care about who's not making enough and should be paid more. Not really who's making what.

With that being said, I do care about the profits of certain industries in relation to how much their workers are paid and the impact it has on other industries.
I tell you threads like this brings out hating ass posters who make shit up.

mf’ers want equality when they are not on the “Winning” side.
Who in this thread is showing off?

full of shit
I usually notice coworkers who get mad when they find out some people get paid more than others. Like, it causes legit beef as if one person's pay is taking away from someone else's.