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Do You Believe In Hell?

Is there proof the devil is evil?
Imo, "evil" means doing harm to another mentally, physically, emotionally or spiritually, with intention. The devil resides within imo cuz god chose to flood the earth after telling us we were evil through and through. Instead of getting rid of some phantom boogy man. I think evil/devil/satan can exist outside the human mind as a roaming thought or free-form, that looks for homes/minds to be invited into.
Don't repent and believe the gospel of Jesus Christ and you'll find out........Forever!

But hey, folks think they know more than God. Sucks to be them.

Dude, you are here speaking your Westernized Christianity again. In Orthodox they believe hell is being destroyed.
Dude, you are here speaking your Westernized Christianity again. In Orthodox they believe hell is being destroyed.
Are you a wise man or a fool? You are quoting a verbalized version of the bible, it's not a damn single thing you think you could say, it's a verse coming back at you and an extra hallelujah glory to god praise jesus! It's been least 15yrs of this.
Dude, you are here speaking your Westernized Christianity again. In Orthodox they believe hell is being destroyed.

I don't care what "orthodox" believe. It's what God says that I believe!
But I'm not doing this dance with you because I said it once to you and i'll say it again.

"Go from the presence of a foolish man, When you do not perceive in him the lips of knowledge." Proverbs 14:7

SMH @ people who think they can outsmart the Most High.....

SMH.....what a shame
I don't care what "orthodox" believe. It's what God says that I believe!
But I'm not doing this dance with you because I said it once to you and i'll say it again.

"Go from the presence of a foolish man, When you do not perceive in him the lips of knowledge." Proverbs 14:7

SMH @ people who think they can outsmart the Most High.....

SMH.....what a shame
Dude I'm Jewish (the first religion in the Abrahamic faith) we worship no other G-d, but G-d himself. Orthodox is what Christianity truly was until it was taken over by the Romans. You should study other faiths before coming to a conclusion. Jews are G-d's chosen people for a reason.
You answered my question. Carry on then I guess.
My point was that you were saying a whole bunch of nothing. While I respect Jesus who us Jews call, Yeshua...he was not G-d just a good man who wanted to help others. We don't believe he's the Messiah because world peace hasn't arrived yet.
Dude I'm Jewish (the first religion in the Abrahamic faith) we worship no other G-d, but G-d himself. Orthodox is what Christianity truly was until it was taken over by the Romans. You should study other faiths before coming to a conclusion. Jews are G-d's chosen people for a reason.
Christianity was also a sect within Judaism before it split off onto its own. That's why there's similarities with Orthodox Christianity and Judaism. We also see Seventh Day Adventists as our distant cousins.
My point was that you were saying a whole bunch of nothing. While I respect Jesus who us Jews call, Yeshua...he was not G-d just a good man who wanted to help others. We don't believe he's the Messiah because world peace hasn't arrived yet.
A wise man would see precious time and energy are going to be wasted trying to convince this highly entrenched mind that is RaptueSoon, he hasn't found the exact right path.
You can believe the lake of fire isn't real until the day you turn back to dust.........it won't change a thing......but the moment you do turn back to dust, it will be the first moment of forever in the pit God digged for all the wicked

wicked = everyone who did not repent and believe the gospel of Jesus Christ before they died.

End of discussion. Amen.
A wise man would see precious time and energy are going to be wasted trying to convince this highly entrenched mind that is RaptueSoon, he hasn't found the exact right path.
“Enter by the narrow gate. For the gate is wide and the way is easy that leads to destruction, and those who enter by it are many. For the gate is narrow and the way is hard that leads to life, and those who find it are few." Matthew 7:13-14

Only a few find the narrow road! Thank God Almighty He chose me to be part of the few! Amen!

But hey some folks were destined to be goats. Sucks to be them........

I tried to tell you, but you wouldn't listen.....

No wonder you're a goat!

You can believe the lake of fire isn't real until the day you turn back to dust.........it won't change a thing......but the moment you do turn back to dust, it will be the first moment of forever in the pit God digged for all the wicked

wicked = everyone who did not repent and believe the gospel of Jesus Christ before they died.

End of discussion. Amen.

"you catch more flies with honey than vinegar"

It's so telling that he uses doom, gloom, despair and sadness to try to draw ppl to his faith.

It's very mob like. The fear tactics
"you catch more flies with honey than vinegar"

It's so telling that he uses doom, gloom, despair and sadness to try to draw ppl to his faith.

It's very mob like. The fear tactics
ItS tHe TrUtH.
