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Do You Believe In Hell?


Black Jew. Baruch Adonai
In my religion it teaches that your soul goes to Sheol for 12 months to purify itself. Within that time if it hasn't purified, then you get destroyed. Similar to Ethiopian Orthodox and Orthodoxy. We also believe in a world to come or Olam Haba.

Do you believe in hell after death?
I think many people have a inner belief that they will be judged and punished for evil shit when they die...

It may not be the literal Dante's inferno or lake of fire of biblical description..... But in a sense of moralistic right or wrong....

People casually mention not wanting to go to hell even if they have no religious or spiritual devotions to any practice. It's just a sense of karma ....

Like if you hurt kids, rape, murder, shit if that level..... Many people find solace in believing that person will suffer in the next realm

I think many people have a inner belief that they will be judged and punished for evil shit when they die...

It may not be the literal Dante's inferno or lake of fire of biblical description..... But in a sense of moralistic right or wrong....

People casually mention not wanting to go to hell even if they have no religious or spiritual devotions to any practice. It's just a sense of karma ....

Like if you hurt kids, rape, murder, shit if that level..... Many people find solace in believing that person will suffer in the next realm

So do you believe in hell?