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DJ Envy Sued For Real Estate Fraud

I think tony started it, he always mad about something & in some sorta beef. When Ak was talking about the Envy case and said something like "Idk i dont really care, they all scammers". Tony got in his feelings, started talking crazy on Ak and you know hes gunna reply. Think he brought up Tony always going to jail.
Few days ago I was looking for a video and saw another clip someone recorded of Tony mad ranting about people wanting interviews with him now & how they can suck his dick, he wont let them get his views cuz they wouldnt have him on before.
But in this clip (i time stamped) nigga was bragging he paid 400k to be on Gillie & Wallo and made 8 mill. Sound like some scammer shit to me...

This an old clip i forgot about from a while ago of him beefing with wack100 on clubhouse. Funny as hell hearing Wack call him out back then,

Imma charge them niggas $50k I dint want nothing. 🤣😂🤣😂

They only gave me $8k

See, he shoulda just stayed quiet.
He said he retired cuz he rich….. but I think fam is only selling his courses now so that gives him a lot of free time
Idk man, I think he was ever only selling courses to make money, idk bout this retired shit. Just last year or so when he lost that lawsuit case he was on live blaming an employee for that. Claimed he was too busy doing business to pay attention to his lawsuit and it was his employees job to keep him updated and they didnt do that.

He always got a victim story

He is right you know

He's not tho. Ak is media, he covers mainly urban media. So like all other media rn, they're covering this hot story. Especially since Ak knows a few people involved in the ever evolving story. Also Ak goes live for hours talking about a lot of shit, the cuts the live up into clips to post on YT. I dont think he ever talks about 1 topic for hours on end.

Tony is trying to do the same thing as Ak, but the main difference is not only is he not media, this story is really his only claim to fam. Every time he talks online is to do 2 things, try to sell a seminar that people are mostly ignoring or talking about Dj Envy that probably gets 98% of his views & gets the most views/fam he's ever gotten online. And he's not even media, he claims to just be a real estate coach. Even got people in the comments saying he's trying to charge people $20 to watch his live talking about the Envy case.

He's also complaining news outlets not mentioning him when they mention the case, like hes a journalist. All he did was call them frauds a while after they tried to make him an investor, and the PONZI happened to crumble around that time.
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time stamped

Edit: forgot the cliffs
  • Ak says he hasnt had Tony on cuz hes a clout chaser and he thinks they're all scammers
  • Tony is online mad media outlets talking about the case without him, like they need him to talk about it. Ak thinks thats some thirsty scammer shit
  • He doesnt need Tonys permission to talk about this story
  • He's not gunna have Tony on his platform calling out Envy, when Tony does the same shit with the same sales pitch
  • He has a way bigger audience than Tony and all the other internet real estate guru scammers & he's not exposing his audience to potential scammers selling bullshit
  • He doesnt trust any of them
  • He called Gillie & Wallo to ask about who Tony is and why he's keep bothering him and they said Tony used to pay them 50k to be on an episode, so he could be seen and get some motion
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The thing is I don’t want Tony murky background to take away from this Caesar and Envy shit… if niggas got grounds to lock Tony up lock him up too

But don’t use his background to take the light away from these charlatans
The thing is I don’t want Tony murky background to take away from this Caesar and Envy shit… if niggas got grounds to lock Tony up lock him up too

But don’t use his background to take the light away from these charlatans
wym bout the underlined. As in whos doing that, cuz I really follow this case every few days
That’s not taking attention from envy and the scam tho. It’s just saying he fake too
That’s exactly what it is cuz we talking bout it right now

Him being arrested in the past has nothing to do w him exposing Envy and them today

Also niggas can’t change their lives around?
Guess I'll say this, in theory, there is nothing wrong with what envy Envy is saying on how to leverage your dollar and obtain multiple properties.

I get that

My biggest issue with him is that nigga, you not following up to see if shit is actually being built?

You don't go back to the property once you've been filming outside of it?

You don't check back in with the people who have put money down?

He is very complicit even if he didn't intentionally try to defraud people. His lack of due diligence is his downfall.