Once again no one watched the video and just responding to click bait titles. In the clip i saw Ak didnt even call all hiphop pioneers broke and dusty. He said when you see some of them do interviews, they be looking broke and dusty and you unsure if they were even pioneers of anything (Im still looking for the video. Everyone dick riding and just reposting LL or anyone else famous trashing Ak, for clicks)And lets be real, that shit is true, but everyone loves piling on the easy targets.
Yall really should be jumping on all these rich niggas that all of a sudden wanna big up the pioneers. If Russ and LL care so much why dont they put together some sorta tour to put money in their pockets.
Edit: Found a link with audio, looks like i was a lil off on what he said.
He said, "Have you seen any of these old rappers that call themselves the foundation of hiphop, living good? Those niggas be looking old and dusty, i kid you not. Everytime its like an old old nigga talking about hip hop, you be like, "Are you sure you invented this shit, cuz everyone else living better than you".