Welcome To aBlackWeb

Read a book
Music is necessary
Take a hike
A long drive (Just me and my spliff)
Ohhh and my new little/big friend I purchased a few weeks ago. (Bestie)

so you dont flick the bean huh?

I get higher than fuck then lose myself in a video game or comicbook or book. Exercise also helps keep my mind off shit.

In the mornings especially. These last few months I wake up everyday with my heart pounding. Its like a bad anxiety attack. I drink my coffee then some water and head to the gym now every morning and Ive noticed that anxiety has decreased quite a bit since i've started at the gym. Usually helps until i get home from work later, then i will occasionally be stressed out or anxious depending on what happened in the day. Part of it i feel is medication but my last day on that is Friday so hopefully things improve.

Weed is always in the stress relieving equation though.
A recent study shows that just saying the word stress releases the same toxic chemicals throughout our body. Merely saying the word stress has the same damaging effects of actually stressing and perpetuates the stress/sickness.

Ask any of you're colleagues how they are and you'll get one of two perennial responses - either, 'I'm so busy', or 'I'm really stressed'.

But now an expert has revealed that if you are feeling under pressure, the choice of words you use to describe things could be making matters worse.

'Just saying that you're stressed can set off a cascade of chemicals in the body - epinephrine and cortisol - and neurotransmitters in the brain that make us feel, well, completely stressed out,' Seth Swirsky, a clinical psychotherapist and author told Wellandgood.com

'Our hearts beat faster, our breathing becomes more rapid, our blood pressure goes up, we can't think straight, and we're filled with fear and anxiety.'

The very fact that saying your stressed makes the condition a whole lot worse, might seem like a cruel irony, but [the] good news is that you can tackle things by simply adjusting the way you speak about your feelings.

You could try saying: 'I'm up against it this week, but I know I will get there in the end.'

As well as avoiding the dreaded 's' word, you're adding positive reassurance to yourself, not to mention others, that the situation is going to improve.

Additionally, you can try these techniques to help get on top of the stress that's draining your productivity.

- Slow down and force yourself to take a break

- Reach out for support, whether that's from friends and family, colleagues, or a health professional

- Re-evaluate your goals and priorities, so that you tip the balance back to including activities that provide you with happiness

You could try saying: 'I'm up against it this week, but I know I will get there in the end.'

As well as avoiding the dreaded 's' word, you're adding positive reassurance to yourself, not to mention others, that the situation is going to improve.

Additionally, you can try these techniques to help get on top of the stress that's draining your productivity.


Vanessa urges people to 'learn how to say no' at work as it is important in easing over the top and demanding schedules.

And when you do, it's important you don't feel guilty about it.

'Start to pull back now while you're still in control, before it gets too late and you start to drown,' Ms Bennett said.


Whether it's yourself or colleagues, it's important to be aware of the signs of a burn out in order to stop it in its tracks.

Warning signs include unexplained absences, isolation, a decline in health and not taking lunch breaks.

Others include constant cynicism or negativity, working overtime and a lack of engagement with colleagues.

Vent to @Blactivity
Search for new music
Youtube Prince
Play with my lil homie Chico or take him for walks.
Soak in the tub
If all else fails, take a nap.
Lately, eating, talking, writing, dancing and singing at the maximum volume my voice can go. I’m pretty loud just talking normal. Imagine that.

Oh and the tub has been getting the biz.
From experience....you need more than one coping mechanism to deal with stress. It's a real good idea to have one solely for the health benefits,such as hitting the gym, walking, or even Zumba.

Knowing which coping mechanism to use is ideal because not all stress is dealt with the same way.
Do any of you feel like you have John Henryism? This was something that I have been dealing with especially when I was younger...