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i don't understand ...

this is a live action pokemon movie...

i mean u gotta think of a unique story to hit all audiences...

i think this is it.....

i'm sure they'll throw in a few ash ketchum/ team rocket easter eggs.... but any movie in the pokemon universe is a live action pokemon movie....

i give them super kudos for such a creative plot and interesting usage of ryan reynolds...

shit's a hit
Nah they didnt need nothing extra, no ryan reynolds or nothing just do the regular shit and itd still make a ton of money
Nah they didnt need nothing extra, no ryan reynolds or nothing just do the regular shit and itd still make a ton of money
Man what they did looks great...

I don't understand why people expect adaptations to be exact copies.

This is dope af imo.... The different story looks good

Finally watched the trailer. Love the angle! I wouldn't be as interested in a straight up adaptation and I'm betting there's a lot of other people that wouldn't either. With this they get a much larger audience than just fan boys of the cartoon.
Can't believe how well Reynolds works as Pikachu, and I hate HATE HAAAAAAAATE Ryan fuckin' Reynolds

This. The trailer definitely has me wanting to go see it so it confirmed after all these years I hate his stupid fucking face. Fake ass Jim Carey.
Finally watched the trailer. Love the angle! I wouldn't be as interested in a straight up adaptation and I'm betting there's a lot of other people that wouldn't either. With this they get a much larger audience than just fan boys of the cartoon.
My thoughts exactly
Yeah I was too old for the Poke wave. Moved on from my Game Boy years before that but the kids in my home (my sis and cousins) watched the cartoon so I kinda knew a bit about it. At the least I knew the monster names. But yeah had this been Brock, Ash, Misty vs. Team Rocket I'd be "meh". But seeing the greater poke verse outside of the tournaments looks really appealing much more than I ever expected it too. Plus that way the few Poke battle scenes will stand out more. Charizards stadium intro looks fucking lit in a live action setting.
Detective Pikachu is a story-driven game, which automatically makes it a better choice to make a film of, as opposed to the mainline games, which is just collect-and-battle with some minor plotline tacked on.

Because of this , it's also much more concise. I imagine a movie about a kid travelling to 10+ cities, catching a bunch of pokemon, fighting a bunch of trainers, getting a bunch of badges, and THEN getting to some tournament would be a hard sell as a 2-hour movie, especially one that wants to introduce an audience to this Pokemon world they're trying to create.

Then there's perspective. This is a bit more grounded than a mainline Pokemon journey. This is a world where regular people and pokemon live amongst each other while the main games seems to follow a pokemon trainer prodigy on a journey to battler-stardom and nationwide notoriety. The average movie goer can relate to this movie better, and the avid fancan see an aspect of this pokemon world that they may not even have thought of.
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Detective Pikachu is a story-driven game, which automatically makes it a better choice to make a film of, as opposed to the mainline games, which is just collect-and-battle with some minor plotline tacked on.

Because of this , it's also much more concise. I imagine a movie about a kid travelling to 10+ cities, catching a bunch of pokemon, fighting a bunch of trainers, getting a bunch of badges, and THEN getting to some tournament would be a hard sell as a 2-hour movie, especially one that wants to introduce an audience to this Pokemon world they're trying to create.

Then there's perspective. This is a bit more grounded than a mainline Pokemon journey. This is a world where regular people and pokemon live amongst each other while the main games seems to follow a pokemon trainer prodigy on a journey to battler-stardom and nationwide notoriety. The average movie goer can relate to this movie better, and the avid fancan see an aspect of this pokemon world that they may not even have thought of.
Its a live action pokemon..its making money regardless of what storyline you throw at it, the average movie goer is irrelavent cause pokemons following is already big enough as it is, it dont need niggas like me who could give a fuck about pokemon to make money