Mindfucker. Inconvenient Truth + Necessary Evil
Happy Shanksgiving !
He hiding hidingNiggas should done that zimmerman also
The best part about it was they had to perform "life-saving measures" on him. That means he coulda bled out
First he was never in prison.. Also after all that shit went down.. He went into hiding out in the rural areas of Florida.. Last time I checked I don’t think a lot street type niggas live in the sticks of Florida..Niggas should done that zimmerman also
Im glad he didn't die. That's the easy way out.
He needs to suffer for the rest of his bid
Idk, I've seen some skepticism but Larry nassar the gymnastics pedo got poked up in the same prison earlier this year. It's not a maximum security joint and they're having staffing issues also..This might be a setup for a bigger play