I know it's early, but we need Jaoquin's Joker in this Batman's realm.

I know The Joker was even more based in reality than this and not exactly the Joker we're used to, but I can see that movie happening years before and shit just progressively got worse until we get to this time.
  • Goat
Reactions: Ironman
I don't know how but Pattinson looks more brutal as batman than Affleck. His Batman definitely the one that looks like he'd snap Joker's neck and call it a day. I can't wait for march.
I don't know how but Pattinson looks more brutal as batman than Affleck. His Batman definitely the one that looks like he'd snap Joker's neck and call it a day. I can't wait for march.
Man when he walked through that hallway with them shooting at him and he just brushed all them bullets off...idk but I was like " Damn, this Batman kinda scary. WTF?"
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