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Dani Leigh gets dragged for promoting colorism

Song is trash
Rappers been singing bout this ish for the longest kinda unfair to hit her up harder cause she's a girl.

I was gonna say, why can't she rep her skintone(song wouldn't have gotten any stick if it was praising darkskin) but why's she talking bout yellowbone if she ain't een black?
Very confusing when non blacks refer to themselves as ; lightskin, yellowbone, redbone. Shit is weird as hell

Oh yea song is trash!
Hol up
Fuck a lightskin
Tf is going on here?


seems like some of these people wanna be black when its hip/accepted and conveniently go back to being something else when it isn't. im lightskin myself but i understand the backlash against this flipflopping shit... some people don't have the convenience of ambiguity . they instead need to accept who and what they are, be true to themselves and own it, consequences and all.

this reminds me of the classic "He/She's not black, she's Brazilian". you know how many times i seen that when talking about mma fighter Anderson Silva? it's ridiculous. that man is unmistakably black. it's like they're unwilling to own up to it because it'd drag him down in their eyes. brazilian is a nationality. and they have the largest population of black people outside of the african continent. there's nothing ambiguous about that, but socio-demographic relations always become needlessly complex and irrational.
like her music, didn't really look into the context of this ish, but *shrug shoulders*

hope it gets straighten out.
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Questions for clarification:

1. If Clarence Thomas never claimed to be black, only an American, would that mean he's not black?

2. Is light skin the only complexion black people aren't allowed to compliment or celebrate?

3. If this chick is indeed not black, why does it matter if she makes trash music about the skin complexion of whatever race she is?

I just want to know what rules are in play.
Song is trash
Rappers been singing bout this ish for the longest kinda unfair to hit her up harder cause she's a girl.

I was gonna say, why can't she rep her skintone(song wouldn't have gotten any stick if it was praising darkskin) but why's she talking bout yellowbone if she ain't een black?
Very confusing when non blacks refer to themselves as ; lightskin, yellowbone, redbone. Shit is weird as hell

Oh yea song is trash!

They not accepted by white folks or they not put on a pedestal like noggas do with light skin girls so they fake it