Fuck her, fuck hunting
GOAT animal. First of all when people say the lion is the king of the jungle that's bullshit because the lion doesn't reside in the fucking jungle, they're out there on the plains. Second of all they can't be no kings because the elephant runs the plains! I was sold on elephants when I saw a vid of one tossing a fucking hippo because the elephant was being territorial about its young. Any animal that can toss a hippo like yesterday's trash gets my ultimate respect. Elephants, killer whales, gorillas and honey badgers are the elite animals on earth.
On god I really want to throw hands with a kangaroo.
No benefit of the doubt for themDo we know if she hunted it maybe it just died.
Poor Zebra: This Zebra Had No Chance Crossing A River Filled With Alligators!
Poor Zebra: This Zebra Had No Chance Crossing A River Filled With Alligators!
Poor Zebra: This Zebra Had No Chance Crossing A River Filled With Alligators!
It’s cold that it‘s rarely any quick deaths in nature. A lot of that shit is slow and agonizing.
Yeah that shit there is cold killer shitCrocs try to make it quick as possible.
The worse offenders are them wild dogs. They don’t even try to kill you. They eat you alive and start at the private area
Poor Zebra: This Zebra Had No Chance Crossing A River Filled With Alligators!