Mindfucker. Inconvenient Truth + Necessary Evil
Fuck taking innocent life?fuck hunting?
Fuck taking innocent life?fuck hunting?
Fuck taking innocent life?
Fuck taking innocent life for absolutely no reason other than ego?Do you eat meat?
Fuck taking innocent life for absolutely no reason other than ego?
Do you eat meat?
who out here eating bear meat?
I wanted to know this as wellwho out here eating bear meat?
I kid you not.
I had a bunch of black bear jerky a few weeks ago
word? Whats it comparable to taste-wise?
I have no issue personally if folks are eating what they hunt or utilizing the fur, bones etc... as long as they dont overdo it...
But hunting or fishing JUST to say you did it and killed an animal as a trophy will always be wack imo
it’s was a white person that made it so it was kinda bland. Since it was jerky it’s kinda hard to compare taste
When folks get them “ trophies” the animal don’t go to waste (most of the time) the meat is used.
That may be true, but trophy hunters usually hunt predators. That's about ego. We don't typically eat predators and we don't have to control their populations.
Deer, moose and bison are frequently targeted by trophy hunters as well.
How much meat are they really getting?
Can the bite through elephant skin?
Slide on that nigga