Bruh, I'm not sure what you're not getting. I've said multiple times being suspicious of the cops is fine. Everything you said is reason not to just trust what the cops said, as if anyone needed a reason to not trust cops. My point was that none of that is proof that they killed this guy because none of it actually is. And if it turns out that dude was killed in a twisted drug deal, that just goes to show why it's so silly to jump to conclusions based on circumstantial evidence.
Apparently people do need more reasons not to trust the cops.
The established pattern of behavior that's gone on for decades just ain't enough it seems.
People still think it's not a reason to believe, as you yourself stated.
But if speculation if fine, folks can speculate how they will.
So there shouldn't be all this mocking and insulting.
Let the evidence proof people wrong as it does.
Speaking of which, this proof we're suppose to wait on is already tainted.
This is a documented corrupt PD telling us what they say is true and false.
For all we know they've been getting their lie straight this whole time.
They have earned themselves a position where nothing they say can be trusted.
True or not.
Let them simmer in that distrust.
How you've been directly, or indirectly, making it your duty to give our enemies a fair shake
Telling us to wait on their proof
That's what I won't get.