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Dallas Officer Amber Guyger's trial for the murder of Botham Shem Jean begins (FOUND GUILTY)

Fucked up but he already is the poster boy. The same as those folks in Charleston after Dylan Roof.

It's why I ain't mad or don't care. I love when folks show me exactly who they are. That allows me to treat them accordingly no matter what race they are.


but that image of him physically embracin a racist murderer will prolly come back to haunt him
wow @ some of this, smh. Makes me think, a while back i was listening to an episode of the ZoWhatShow on youtube(i forget which 1), and they touched on this subject. He said black people go this whole forgiveness route when they're victims, to make themselves feel better because, it lets them the illusion they have some sorta say or control over a situation, where they have neither. And i have to agree with what he said.
they be spittin real shit on that show

but that image of him physically embracin a racist murderer will prolly come back to haunt him

It already is. I say that because of reaction he is probably getting from people who he loves and respects. I'm sure he even has some brothers and sisters in christ who are giving him an ear full over that hugging and don't even want her to go to jail shit.

On top of having a large section of black people who are 100% against what he did and said.

No matter how much a person goes against the grain and feel they're right it bothers them when the bulk of the people from their race are against them.

Candace Owens can do all the bed wenching she wants and talk all that shit about black people she wants. Deep down it bothers her that her own people ain't fucking with her because all black people like her know that they will never be fully accepted by white people no matter what they say or do against black people. Folks like them in no mans land not accepted by your own and not accepted by the other cause you ain't them.
Yup. I sure though.

The weak always get the attention exploited though.


Is the more truthful way to see it.
Just to make sure that there is no confusion or misunderstanding let me make this perfectly clear. In the event that I am murdered godforbid, I DO NOT want the people who love me to hug and forgive the murderer. I want justice, accountability and retribution. Anyone in my family who would let my innocent blood spill in vain is here and forever more disowned from my lineage.

I can't understand why you white jesus worshippers can't understand that simple premise.

Nobody misunderstands that viewpoint as its rational and makes sense. The confusion is in the fact that the family is catching more judgement for this than the judge, the jury who actually gave a light sentence and the actual person who killed Botham Jean. Look at this thread. There's been more discussion on the family's reaction than any of the things mentioned and those are the things/people who should be being attacked. Instead of attacking them folks going after the family. The easy target to show how mad you are. That's why it comes off as performative. Take on the harder target not the easy one you see won't fight back. That's how you get justice and retribution. Not by shitting on his family. That does nothing