I'll say this about the brother who hugged shorty. I get it.
I've tried to explain this before, but some people physically cannot operate with an emotion like hate in their heary. It consumes them, obsesses them, destroy them. They can't interact with friends properly. They lash out at family. And they're haunted by dark thoughts.
I know a few people who let hate get the best of them, and it wasn't pretty regardless if they acted on it or not.
And in order for some people to get past that kinda hate, they HAVE to forgive to move on or get closure. I know y'all would have loved to see that brother kill that white woman in court. But he couldn't put this family thru that much more pain,. Cuz then the mother losses another son.
A lot of people don't truly understand hate and what it really does to them, so they also don't understand forgiveness.
To make it personal, I had to learn to forgive my father. Never one told him. Never once hugged him. But I had to get that hate out my heart before I started my family. I don't think I could have done it otherwise.
I also think that's why I was so easy about him dying. I didn't lose it feeling that I had some shit to tell him or zap out cuz I had no closure. Once I let the hate go, I could care less. My sister never let here go and she still not over it. Different people understand shit in a different way.
I can't say I would do what dude brother did. In fact I know I wouldn't. But I understand it. Because I would be desperately looking for a way to not feel like it's up to me to kill her in retaliation.
Now I know everybody is quick as fuck to judge online, and death to all crackers n all that shit. But unless you really boy to be out there busting heads, like actually taking lives for your cause... Please don't judge anybody else for not carrying out your emotions and energy. They have their own demons to deal with.