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Da Brat AND her wife decided to use a white sperm donor claiming a shortage of Black men in the sperm donor pool

i see you didnt answer the question. wanna try again?
You just asked me why i care about blackness?

You just asked me why does blackness matter to me?

That's a great follow up to chicity's coonish elzo comment

The self hate pops up like

There's downsides to everything so that's not really a strong point. I'm not ignoring the context in which you made that statement. I'm saying even within that context your question is trying to literally have domain over another person's reproductive choices. And that's not something people should have over each other outside of extreme circumstances. And what are these consequences? Because a person may decide to put their career, or anything else, first then all of a sudden if they get a little older they can't then change their mind and now want kids? Those people shouldn't be allowed the opportunity to do so through whatever means they have?

lol Saying everything has downsides is not a good way to respond to someone acknowledging a downside.

Women are entitled to make their own choice about how they reproduce. However, they are not entitled to a system being in play to supply them with anonymous sperm to suit their whims. That's not a natural right. It's something that society provides. And everybody has the right to question whether or not the society that we all live in should support certain things.

We all have to make life choices, and sometimes those choices mean sacrificing things that we may want. If going all in on a career means you never build the relationship with anyone of the opposite sex needed to have a child the normal way, then not having children might be the consequence of your actions. Lots of men are in that situation. There is no egg and uterus donor clinic for a man to go to. If he missed his window of opportunity he just has to eat that.

At the end of the day, women have the right to do what they want in this regard, but is that a good thing? I don't know. Again if you look at the numbers , lack of fathers (or father figures) is pretty bad for children and society as a whole. So should society contribute to allow that to happen, or should we instead encourage people to do a better of job of building relationships before procreation that will allow children to have the benefit of two parents that care about them?
Its wild that some of yall think they can find an acceptable donor down the street. Its hard to find a decent person to just be friends with. Dont know why yall think finding a decent person to have a kid with is easy.

Asking people in their circle is hard to do as well. Their friends might not want to do it.

Then people have a criteria of what kind of traits they want their child to have. The pool of donors gets lower as people put in their requirements.
whats the "dilution" percentage that determines if you pro-black or not?


It's the reverse 1 drop rule. It's actually what alot of Caribbean and Latin American countries use and why they just wait for one person to have a kid with a white person so they can say that child is now white too. We see how that mentality has helped with colorism in the islands....
the kid still gonna be black.

And you still aint answer the question

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I answered

You're trying to weasel out again

I care about the babys genetics because I care about black people, you care less about black people and more about being liked by everybody. Everything is okay to you. I don't even think white supremacy exists in your world