Race Jones
gangster. grace. alchemy
It has a correlation. Abuse and sexuality
Just saying
no. ppl make this “correlation” often and its wrong and vile
It has a correlation. Abuse and sexuality
Just saying
i think he means by him not flat out saying no you cant be a girl, he's encouraging him to in fact be a girl
I dont agree with encouraging your pre-teen to "pick a gender"
Pedophiles everywhere would agree with you.children are already full people and genuine human beings, at any age, not people waiting to happen. they are human beings in their own right, just with limited perceptive and analytical and emotional capabilities.
Trans people cut off pieces off their body. Male to female trans cut off their genitals and has to stick objects in their fake vagina to dilate to avoid their gaping wound from closing. This is a mental illness. No way to flip this to being sane
One of the worst cop outs on this site.yall sound like the white men and women you claim to hate
I do not want it promoted. Just like I wouldn’t want my children listening to music promoting doing heroine or pills. Transsexuals have high suicide rates and are usually degenerates that do drugs and are promiscuous. Let’s not forget they are genetic dead ends.why is this of your concern?
honestly? whats the obsession with wanting to control ppls bodies and sexuality?
Yeah man it took me a looooong time to truly understand this shit. Being raised in new Orleans which is very religious and not open minded on things I'm glad I left to truly understand other people lifestyles and choices. Of course I won't fully understand the LGBT lifestyle but they have every right to have a choice. If God blessed me with a child I'll support them either way.
Gay is not a virus that can't be taught, just like straight cannot be taught. Either you are what you are.
Like I said niggas who think being around gay people is weird and nasty, I truly hope y'all get out of y'all bubble and try to speak to one and understand their background. All that condemning and telling mother fuckers how to live and thanking yall better than is wack ass fuck. I'm ashamed to know I was apart of that mindframe before but aye man growth and Evolution. We all mortal men at the end of the day, show love and compassion to others man, whether you understand their lifestyle or not.
You a normally intelligent person so I'm a go head ahead and tell you this the dumbest thing I ever saw you typeIf you child is 13 years old and says he’s Sexual attracted to toddlers would you put your personal feelings aside because that’s what your child is into?
If the technology existed to make it so and the family had the financing for it, why not?Race, if your son wanted to be a cyborg, would you let him?
Nah fam, trust me I thought the same thing. I'm very aware of the bounce culuture and all that shit. The people on bourbon street doesn't speak for the rest of city. I swear I heard the word faggot the most at churches in new Orleans, and from family members who are NOT in the open party lifestyle of bourbon street. Everything outside of the madri gras world speaks a different tune. Don't believe me? Go to a church in the Westbank.NOLA is full of open gay folks every damn where.
You tripping with that.