Real Thugs Eat Green Apple Jolly Ranchers.
so you hold these same views when it comes to Eminem and all other white rappers?
also cultural exchange is more so about certain aspects of a culture being appreciated and expressed, rather than appropriated.
Ive come to realize hip-hop is a movement that can cross into many racial and ethnic backgrounds.
Actually I do.
But I am not the one that has an actually 'issue' with others biting our style.
I think it's wack when we do not receive the credit due us but I choose not to stress myself over things I can not control.
To be honest everyone knows where things originate, unfortunately we allow them to push us out of our own ish sometimes.
Example: Before when I use to go out to a hiphop club white folks were few and far between. Now! The white folks are the ones doing all of OUR dances in the middle of the floor while we post up against the walls with drinks two stepping. haha.
It's like the twilight zone.