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couple in my city leaves babies in a car unlocked . another girl does a gta and kidnap the kids and drops them off at dayton airport.

I get that, but why wasn't dad or the grandparents watching the twins while she worked? You can pick whatever hours to do door dash.
everybody's grandparents ain't trying to babysit 5 month old twins tbh. as far as the father goes i take it he & the mother don't live together & that he drops off what's needed for the kids on payday.
folks on 10tv facebook page and columbus ohio news sites called me judgemental. and other folks judegemntal and non parents. for saying the mother should be charge with child endangerment or neglect. or she is parital to blame too.

because they said that every parent has did it before.

every parent has left there babies/child in a car. with the keys in the car. the car running. in a high crime and high gta era. at night.

3. and went to fast food or resturant spots. to go pick up food and leave there babies inside the car for 2 to 20 minutes.

5. i need to ask yaw. is that normal.

this is the area of the where the babies got kinap at.

after watching this video. pepole around city know you asking for your car to get stolen if you leave it running in the short north. and at night.

osu campus around the short north is a hot spot for car thefts.
2. is it normal for door dash workers to bring the children to work. and leave them in the car while doing doordash.

3.it seems pretty dangerous to be riding around 8 to 20 places. espically at night. with the car running. to pick up orders from different locations. that you have no idea where you could be dropping out orders and your surroundings.

and have your kids in the car.
She is dumb

she is. this been advertise on teh news for 3 years now.

you be a fucking fool to do this at night, car running and keys in teh car at this area. i am retarded. and anytime my nieaces and nephew were in a car driven by another family member. i always turn the car off. take the keys out. or take them lil niggas in the gas statioin or grocey store. even if it was a quick run.

just image if the bitch does not care about her own car. why would she not care about 2 babies.

i am going to be a dead beat father. but if i ever have kids there life,safety and livelyhood will come before mines.

i would never put them in a position like that. and i hate kids. but soft spot in me was praying for a father or parent figure for protection. and if i get a chance i would do the same thang.

3. if she did doordash that means she had to be doing this about 5 to 15 times a week when she was getting paid.

5. this does not happen randomly just one time.
I get that, but why wasn't dad or the grandparents watching the twins while she worked? You can pick whatever hours to do door dash.

i said the same thang. its funny that the family can be around for the media,news conference, soical media fame and everything else.

come out the wood work about i love this baby. i do anything for him. he was so speical.

if she did doordash and needed a babysitter. why wasn't any family member avaiable.

or around to tell her this is not a wise decision. get a daycare voucher or i babysit until you can find a better job. or stop it.

they family spend about 3 days talking to camera,media,news conference and on soical media.
I get that, but why wasn't dad or the grandparents watching the twins while she worked? You can pick whatever hours to do door dash.

one thang i notice about alot of us black family memebers. black family members really do not support each other and care for each other unless its a soical meddia viral moment. or payday or big time news story.

alot of times when reading about the blm victims. alot of there family members were fighting each other.

not helping each other

did not care for each other.

or were dead beat parents.

or drug addicts.

and come out the woodwork when its time to try to sue the police department or get fame nad gofund me.
thank you. now folks are going to hate on me. and called me retarded. but if you from the city or state. you would know its praticely a death wish. to leave your car running.

3. unlocked.

4. leave out your car.

5. and inside a store.

10. you praticely begging for your car to get stolen. i do not even get close to nigga cars.

11. and then you leave babies in the car. unintented.

12. in the dark.

13. car running.

14. downtown osu heavy car jacking place.

15. at night.

17. nice looking ride?

and you have a father present?

30. why in the fuck are they mad at police for. if you black and from the hood. you know police never gave a fuck about us. or are people.

15. the fact that she did not care about her car is troubling.

but the fact she would put her kids in danger like that. means this is child endangerment or she on drugs.

i am retarded and never done nothing this stupid. how can niggas get there high school education and community college. but not have common sense.

like if you can do algabra.language arts on a 10th to college level. and geomtry. and shit. how are you not smart enough to know not to leave your keys in a car. car running. and leave kids in the car.

babies protection should be the number 1 priority on any parents list.

funny think about this. is i want to be a deadbeat dad. but i probably could not be one even if i wanted too. because i would care about my future kids. so much.

i probably would just pay a family member off to take care of them until they 5 or 9. lol!
You call yourself retarded alot bro. Love yourself a little more man and drop that word from your dictionary. Your special.
It's an undercover racist white person thread should have been deleted and poster ip banned after the first post..

Why is this shit allowed on a site designed for a black audience?