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couple in my city leaves babies in a car unlocked . another girl does a gta and kidnap the kids and drops them off at dayton airport.

i am retarded and high function mrdd. and cannot pass 9th grade modern ged pratice test and test. but it does not take rocket sciene or even a college degree to know that in a city where the kia boys and car jacking are super heavy? what in the world could possess a parent to do this.

columbus is slowly turning into chiago. man this city is so crazy and retarded.

and you got rachet ass ghetto hoodrats posting on soical media saying do not judge. or it can happen to anybody. they always defending these terrible parents,deadbeats,crminals and thugs. that make our race look so bad.

even if you are doing doordash or delivery why even have your kids with you at work.

7. at least if you leave them in the car. lock that mother fucker up so this would not happen. who leaves there car unlocked. and unlocked when you have 2 infants in there.

5. this is why i agree with abortions cause alot of parents. espcially in the hood do not deserve to be parents.
Yeah it's been all over the news, they found 1 of the kids at the airport in Dayton but the other kid is still out there somewhere

if it was a simple doordash pick up. common sense would say at least turn off the car. remove the car keys. or take the kids insides with you. why even have kids if your too lazy to take them out of the car for a 5 minute trip. any time i had nieces,nephews and mother did home day care. anytime babies were in the car. i always locked the doors,took the keys out the car even when i was in the car. or take the babies out of the car inside the door even if we was getting one or two items. espically in the dark.
if the father was presnet. why didnt' this girl leave the babies with him or another family member while she does her job.

at the least. if you leave the kids at the house or apartment. with the door unlock and handle a quick 3 iminutes or 5 minute trip. at least if something happens to the car or you. she could call the father or family member to go the house and look after the crib.

but you in a high crime area. in a nice ride. unlocked, running. car keys in the car. and 2 babies.

i felt like if it was a quick 5 minute trip. she would of been better leaving the babies at the house. with teh door unlocked. so if stuff like this happen. she could call a family member or friend to pick the kids up. and why even have kids if your going to blame the system and not take responblity or be so lazy that you cannot take two 5 pound kids inside a store.
The kia boys been causing havoc all year with no fucks given

thank you. now folks are going to hate on me. and called me retarded. but if you from the city or state. you would know its praticely a death wish. to leave your car running.

3. unlocked.

4. leave out your car.

5. and inside a store.

10. you praticely begging for your car to get stolen. i do not even get close to nigga cars.

11. and then you leave babies in the car. unintented.

12. in the dark.

13. car running.

14. downtown osu heavy car jacking place.

15. at night.

17. nice looking ride?

and you have a father present?

30. why in the fuck are they mad at police for. if you black and from the hood. you know police never gave a fuck about us. or are people.

15. the fact that she did not care about her car is troubling.

but the fact she would put her kids in danger like that. means this is child endangerment or she on drugs.

i am retarded and never done nothing this stupid. how can niggas get there high school education and community college. but not have common sense.

like if you can do algabra.language arts on a 10th to college level. and geomtry. and shit. how are you not smart enough to know not to leave your keys in a car. car running. and leave kids in the car.

babies protection should be the number 1 priority on any parents list.

funny think about this. is i want to be a deadbeat dad. but i probably could not be one even if i wanted too. because i would care about my future kids. so much.

i probably would just pay a family member off to take care of them until they 5 or 9. lol!
the parent or parents should be charged with child neglect for leaving them infants unattended in the car for it to get stolen.
Wait, what? You wanna be a deadbeat dad?

50% yes. i just do not like changing diapers. i hate poop. i almost injured my neibors dog for them having there dog purposely poop in my yard for 3 years.

baby poop smell worst then adult poop.

5. my mother did home day care. and it was a terrible experience for me.

6. i lived with my sisters. and it was a bad experience. having to live with 4 kids. i love my nieces and nephews. but working,school and looking after them was hell.

2.i want to be a part time father.

3. do not want to live with kids.

4. but i would support them fincincal. like make sure they do not go hungry,food,clothes.

5. and maybe teach them right from wrong.

6. teach do fun things and help out with homework.

9. but not everyday. just emercy stuff and weekends.

10. but not have them live with me. or see them everyday.

11. but if i could do that zoom stuff or help them with school over the internet. then yeah its easier that way.
Wait, what? You wanna be a deadbeat dad?

but when they become teenager. i will be more iinvovled. apart of me knew how much it messed me up not having a father from 10 to 18. and parents on drugs,liquor pills.

so i would not want my child to be as messed up as me. or better than me. so i would try to teach them the game of life.

but as a baby and from 0 to about 8 year old. yes i will be a dead beat. part time.
50% yes. i just do not like changing diapers. i hate poop. i almost injured my neibors dog for them having there dog purposely poop in my yard for 3 years.

baby poop smell worst then adult poop.

5. my mother did home day care. and it was a terrible experience for me.

6. i lived with my sisters. and it was a bad experience. having to live with 4 kids. i love my nieces and nephews. but working,school and looking after them was hell.

2.i want to be a part time father.

3. do not want to live with kids.

4. but i would support them fincincal. like make sure they do not go hungry,food,clothes.

5. and maybe teach them right from wrong.

6. teach do fun things and help out with homework.

9. but not everyday. just emercy stuff and weekends.

10. but not have them live with me. or see them everyday.

11. but if i could do that zoom stuff or help them with school over the internet. then yeah its easier that way.
nigga.....burn your fucking keyboard
the parent or parents should be charged with child neglect for leaving them infants unattended in the car for it to get stolen.

sad thang is 80% of black girls on facbook in the city is taking up for the women and father. this is why we as black folks are not going to be shit.

we are blaming it on police.
Medication... im really debating whether he should be on it or off it. Man wtf also i saw more smoke for the victims than the perps..

Seek guidance