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Could you do it everyday?


I love sex as much as everyone else but, that's too much of a good thing.

Shyt won't be any fun.
I believe men are supposed to have at least one orgasm a day (hopefully with a woman, but...).

Males produce a minimum of 1,500 sperm per second! That's 129,600,000 sperm produced a day!

We use the bathroom everyday to cleanse our system. It would be unhealthy if you were to not use the bathroom today, you're most likely going to infect/poison yourself because you didn't release what's been built up.

All those sperm need to be released!
Yes, Yes I can. it did not specify what 'kind' of sex. Oral, Anal etc.

So... yeah, i can dig it.
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sex thread perhaps? ;;;;; . lol

I did it more often after having my munchkins because I don't like to wait. Yes, I can climax from it.

mostly because I love to please and the thought of Kings pleasure gets me more excited than anything else. That coupled with his sounds, breathing and the pain and pleasure = pure delectation.
Hmmm realistically speaking I don't know I've never had to do that so I honestly don't know if I could. If we're feeling eachother that much that it would come to that then sure let's get it.
The horny teenager in me says yes.

The 31 y/o working 50, sometimes 60 hours a week says nah. Niggas be tired too.

Shit I fell asleep once going down on my girl.<<>>
mr. sandman is undefeated

you can either take your nap on a pillow or in the dirt
Nah, I wake up when sex comes into play. You dudes getting up there in years where you falling asleep in pussy
Yes. I want it all the time.

I also prefer men who don't mind my monthly.

Just push it to the side.

Yes I COULD in fact for the obvious hormonal reasons I seem to want it more during that time of the month. He swerves me hard if he know Aunt Rosie in town. I'm talking I get one or the other an embrace or a kiss not both at the same time cuz that too temping lol. It's cool tho I'll wait those three days nigga BETTA be ready tho that's all I'm saying
Yes I COULD in fact for the obvious hormonal reasons I seem to want it more during that time of the month. He swerves me hard if he know Aunt Rosie in town. I'm talking I get one or the other an embrace or a kiss not both at the same time cuz that too temping lol. It's cool tho I'll wait those three days nigga BETTA be ready tho that's all I'm saying
you only bleed for 3 days? dont make me hate u LadyDu. not when I've been plotting to move in with u n Du.