@bubborick can you explain your viewpoints without the slurs?
My viewpoints are well explained there 12-year old white boi cosplaying a black man.
If you pay attention and read everything.
The American Capitalist System as it stands is the opposite of freedom, and is a system constructed by, and so, a small elite (the billionaires here in the US, like the Nazis in Nazi Germany, the Fashs in Fascist Italy, the tankie-commies in USSR and today's China) can divert, from the majority of people, all resources that majority of people creates, and keep themselves in power forever.
That is easy to understand, and is all explained there if you are able to go past the slurs and they don't hurt you little granma-boi ears.
I have a dirty mouth because, while you white little nazi cocksuckers little fags were doing your gay political dance in the Internet, I was killing people for our country in Afghanistan and Iraq, seeing my brothers and sisters fight and die, all working class because no Toilet Paper, bannonite, shapironite or democratic party/GOP baron's son goes to war. And we talked very dirty there.
I am against political debate. I think debate and the whole democracy thing is for fags. My ideas are clear and well explained and you can understand. Democracy was a system invented by white gay men in Athens. REAL MEN solve things by duel, not talking.
And, the worst thing for you little bannonite Internet fags: I don't waste my time trying to convince you about my ideas, because you are paid by the elite to defend your positions, so is just a waste of my precious time.
What I DO is COMMUNITY ORGANIZING. I go to poor communities in my State, preach this my gospel to the people there, while I teach them to create community solidarity banks for food, medicine, rent money, and so on, and ask my other friends, in real life, that believe in the same I believe, and are doctors, dentists, lawyers and so on, to provide pro bono services to those communities. I also teach them with my other veteran friends how to defend themselves by learning how to handle a weapon and learning urban combat and guerrilla basic tactics so they can secure their own communities in a daily basis and prepare to defend their communities if proud bois or other white KKK Nazis decide to attack, as we cannot trust this system as it stands, just see the whites protecting themselves over Nazi lily Kyle's trial.
So, my points are well explained there and they are common sense if you are not so desperate to get your minimum wage Bannon's paycheck.
But no matter what you think, COMMUNITY ORGANIZING as we are doing is working, because we are not commies or nazis, and don't waste poor people's time with politics, we teach them how to have REAL PEOPLE POWER right here and right now. And that is the reason why I been doing that work in the streets for years now, instead of waste my time with 12-year old bois in the internets.
You can ask Admins to ban my user now, like all you Nazis and white bois always do everywhere in the Internet. That will not change my life. As my life will not change also, if I waste my time in flame wars with a 12-year old under Bannon's payroll like you.
I prefer continuing doing my work, building the real future for a free and proud America, every weekend in every poor neighborhood in my State as me and my friends that believe in that same shit I believe being doing for the last four years.
Political debate is a faggot's sport and a waste of time. Poor people don't want politics they want food, medicine and money, and learn how to organize themselves to share that. The new America is being born there. The old America is dying in the internets.