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OPINION Conspiracy Theories U Believe....

what can they do to stop it?
most of them will benefit from it in some way.
and besides the US has control over alot of stuff and can leverage people to shut up.

you are not hearing alot of news about what goes on in other countries that the US is doing.

They could file independent reports and let people decide for themselves what happened. But yeah this is where a lotta conspiracies involvin' the US fall flat. Too many people overestimate the power of the States.
Again with he bomb thing why crash planes into a buildin' you're about to blow up? Why not hits have those same dudes take over the buildings?
you cant be this dense....
to hide a reason they actually came down and to make it look more dramatic
Again with he bomb thing why crash planes into a buildin' you're about to blow up? Why not hits have those same dudes take over the buildings?

Tha thread is called “conspiracy theories you believe” ...not “conspiracy theories you can prove”...
To make it look more dramatic? Seriously? You find that more believable than America bein' attacked by disgruntled Muslims?
out of them disgruntled muslims the only one that got pulled over and didnt make the flight was the darker muslim.
but yes,
think about pearl harbor....a japanese sub was sunk in the harbor before the attack.....
same amount of people died in the attack that died during the crashing of the planes and buildings dropping.

its very believable because Americans are stupid. show us we are under attack and we want to fight without asking the right questions.
You believe that?
If that's the Case, the dark side of the moon would not be so mysterious. Because the other side of the earth would see it.
We also have to wonder about the moon.
Think about all the planets around the sun. Each one is spinning while in the suns gravitational orbit.
How come the moon doesn't rotate?
Its always facing us the same way as it goes around the planet. How and why? What physics is this?
and your point?

theories are all based in troof.....its just waiting on proof.

I was agreeing with you, trying to point out we all in the same boat when it comes to our line of thinking as far as this thread goes.

Everything we see in "space" is a reflection of time. Sun is the past, earth is the present, the moon is probably our future.
Again with he bomb thing why crash planes into a buildin' you're about to blow up? Why not hits have those same dudes take over the buildings?
A lot harder to explain how all these rogue people had access not to one building but two, unnoticed and pack it full of explosives.

Two planes hitting them and taking them down could be believable to the masses if they fell down with a lil wee bit of help from explosives. Buidlings cant be designed to fall perfectly like that after being hit by planes idgaf what person says it can. It would defy laws of physics.

Idk wtf 911 was all about or whotf did it and for the most part idgaf either but planes did not soley take that shit down.
A lot harder to explain how all these rogue people had access not to one building but two, unnoticed and pack it full of explosives.

Two planes hitting them and taking them down could be believable to the masses if they fell down with a lil wee bit of help from explosives. Buidlings cant be designed to fall perfectly like that after being hit by planes idgaf what person says it can. It would defy laws of physics.

Idk wtf 911 was all about or whotf did it and for the most part idgaf either but planes did not soley take that shit down.

This is an issue with a lotta conspiracy theorists. You already have a belief and you're fillin' in the blanks.

Why would the US need the buildings to fall? Surely just bein' hit would be enough?

Put yourselves in the position of whoever you think is behind this 911 conspiracy and ask yourselves honestly if the plan is viable.

If you were that person's right hand and they asked you for your thoughts, what would you say?
This is an issue with a lotta conspiracy theorists. You already have a belief and you're fillin' in the blanks.

Why would the US need the buildings to fall? Surely just bein' hit would be enough?

Put yourselves in the position of whoever you think is behind this 911 conspiracy and ask yourselves honestly if the plan is viable.

If you were that person's right hand and they asked you for your thoughts, what would you say?
the only people that fill in the blanks on their theories are cops, white people and europeans.....germans, swiss and french.
most people to stupid to understand anything.

the people i trust is the people with critical thinking skills that look for answers not proof of what they think.
This is an issue with a lotta conspiracy theorists. You already have a belief and you're fillin' in the blanks.

Why would the US need the buildings to fall? Surely just bein' hit would be enough?

Put yourselves in the position of whoever you think is behind this 911 conspiracy and ask yourselves honestly if the plan is viable.

If you were that person's right hand and they asked you for your thoughts, what would you say?
I already said idgaf about 911 in general my olny interest is the towers defying physics.
I know its some NOI or Hebrew Israelites here. I always wantee to know why those groups go with the idea that black americans didnt come from Africa but that we were already here?
I know its some NOI or Hebrew Israelites here. I always wantee to know why those groups go with the idea that black americans didnt come from Africa but that we were already here?
i was actually just reading about this a few weeks ago.......let me find it...ill answer this real quick
it has been said that when the white folk landed in the Caribbean that the tiano natives were there already.....so they mixed and created what we have today. but if all those years of white washing only got us to the brown people we have today...then they must have been darker complexion folk.
add in the haiti is dark....why couldnt they have come across the gulf and Caribbean sea and make it to the lower states.