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Colorism in the Black community

Even as a kid I always fuck with dark and light skin chicks, I never viewed light>> dark. It might be cuz I grew up in a very black area so there were always bad ass dark skin chicks around.
this why it always bugs me out... some of the prettiest and most popular chicks were dark skin.....

when i hear these horror stories, i be like

"who raised you??"
i'm hungry... after i get some food in me imma come back and start attacking these walls of text....
all of what ur saying is right in theory but in reality, colorism does exist. it's an element of self hate and a holdover from divide and rule. just because it isn't openly discussed doesn't mean it isn't an issue. the proof is in the pudding, whitening creams n papaya soap n shit wouldn't be a million/billion dollar industry were colorism not a reality. if all black people (n people of color at large) embraced and accepted ourselves/others of that race, it wld be a thing of the past. burying the topic from discussions n dismissing it as fake outrage won't change the realities of colorism.

when I was younger natural hair wasn't a topic of discussion. women didn't talk about being talked down to or conditioned to hate their hair in its natural state. fast forward to the present day n now I hear people in the workplace talking about going natural n discussing the moments their moms started relaxing their hair because it was "too nappy". ur colorism argument could be applied to black hair.

u r right that white people see us all as niggas ending in an r. however, there is plenty of evidence to show that there r still biases. did u not see the examples race jones dropped? there's a brilliant black psychologist at Stanford who is known for her work on colorism. I need to find her name again, but I recall reading that lighter skin leads to lighter prison sentences. still more likely to catch one than a white person, but not as likely to be punished to the extent of a dark skinned black person. so white people being complexion-blind isn't wholly the truth.

lets take a non-black example. India has huge colorism problems n a thriving bleaching industry. colonialism ended in the late 40s, they have a fast growing middle class n manufacturing industry, n they have at least a couple generations who never experienced white rule. n they're still dealing with self hate n complexion issues. do u think acting like it aint a reality undoes all that? cuz that is simplistic af.

I am not saying it does't exist I am saying I don't give it power.

Far as the PHd, they spent money and resources on asking white people who already fear you what their thoughts are of you. Say that out loud and think about it.....................Now say this to yourself, "what are your thoughts of Jason from Friday the 13th?" Is he any less scarier if he's wear a all white mask or a all black mask especially going by what you heard about him? This entire thing is a systematic way of bringing down your positive thought processes of oneself.

Also it's a shame that people of darker skin have fallen trap to colorism not knowing that fair skin in the biological world is a sign of weakness or even sickness. That's fact for ex: A all white Lion albeit a Lion it still sickly and has a recessive gene. White people and Asian have inferior genes to people of darker skin......................BUT I"M SCHLEEP
I am not saying it does't exist I am saying I don't give it power.

Far as the PHd, they spent money and resources on asking white people who already fear you what their thoughts are of you. Say that out loud and think about it.....................Now say this to yourself, "what are your thoughts of Jason from Friday the 13th?" Is he any less scarier if he's wear a all white mask or a all black mask especially going by what you heard about him? This entire thing is a systematic way of bringing down your positive thought processes of oneself.

Also it's a shame that people of darker skin have fallen trap to colorism not knowing that fair skin in the biological world is a sign of weakness or even sickness. That's fact for ex: A all white Lion albeit a Lion it still sickly and has a recessive gene. White people and Asian have inferior genes to people of darker skin......................BUT I"M SCHLEEP

I use to use this logic on the racist white boys playing call of duty hahaha. Shut that all down real quick.

You are 100% correct. But this doesn't discredit the experienced of out dark skinned brothers and sisters who say they experienced the trick first hand.
@BNE love bug, you gave me a wack by mistake it seems can you fix that for me at your earliest?
no can do fam
I am not saying it does't exist I am saying I don't give it power.

Far as the PHd, they spent money and resources on asking white people who already fear you what their thoughts are of you. Say that out loud and think about it.....................Now say this to yourself, "what are your thoughts of Jason from Friday the 13th?" Is he any less scarier if he's wear a all white mask or a all black mask especially going by what you heard about him? This entire thing is a systematic way of bringing down your positive thought processes of oneself.

Also it's a shame that people of darker skin have fallen trap to colorism not knowing that fair skin in the biological world is a sign of weakness or even sickness. That's fact for ex: A all white Lion albeit a Lion it still sickly and has a recessive gene. White people and Asian have inferior genes to people of darker skin......................BUT I"M SCHLEEP
on the academic, I mentioned her cuz YOU decided to center white folks when u said "we're all x to them at the end of the day". I was responding to that.
I use to use this logic on the racist white boys playing call of duty hahaha. Shut that all down real quick.

You are 100% correct. But this doesn't discredit the experienced of out dark skinned brothers and sisters who say they experienced the trick first hand.

Does it discredit the abuse the darksin brothers and sisters did to their light skinned brothers and sisters?

I am not about to give anyone a pass because you got your feelings hurt by your MASTER but your only get back was lash out at the same light NIGGA counterpart your MASTERS are still deeming unworthy just like your black ass.

Boohoo nigga boohoo
no can do fam

on the academic, I mentioned her cuz YOU decided to center white folks when u said "we're all x to them at the end of the day". I was responding to that.
white folks are the center though, they have always have and always be the epicenter of why WE are so caught up on what WE look like and what WE think is good or bad
Does it discredit the abuse the darksin brothers and sisters did to their light skinned brothers and sisters?

I am not about to give anyone a pass because you got your feelings hurt by your MASTER but your only get back was lash out at the same light NIGGA counterpart your MASTERS are still deeming unworthy just like your black ass.

Boohoo nigga boohoo

Who said anything about giving a pass? I just said colorism exists. Now if you are arguing that light skinned blacks folks still experience racism, the I agree. But to argue that dark skinned folks are not targeted alley based on their complexion is not being honest....

But i think I get your stance. We should all ride for each other tho, that's the ultimate goal to strive for.
This is tricky because I don't really remember it being from a small island and poor. But in my teens when I was up here you couldn't say you had a girl unless she was light skin with wavy hair, Puerto Rican or Dominican or some type of mix up. I think it is a lot easier now for woman because they are more accepted in all shapes sizes and colors. But I am not a woman this is just an opinion. We have to love ourselves and I hope we all do. I have a family of all colors and the darker ones got treated the best in some cases because they were dark and the half Chinese ones got teased more.
This is tricky because I don't really remember it being from a small island and poor. But in my teens when I was up here you couldn't say you had a girl unless she was light skin with wavy hair, Puerto Rican or Dominican or some type of mix up. I think it is a lot easier now for woman because they are more accepted in all shapes sizes and colors. But I am not a woman this is just an opinion. We have to love ourselves and I hope we all do. I have a family of all colors and the darker ones got treated the best in some cases because they were dark and the half Chinese ones got teased more.
i guess my experience was just unique....

cuz i swear i was a grown ass man before i heard of people not fuckign with dark skin chicks or likiing light skin chicks better......

like yea there were a lotta sexy ass light skin chicks....i used to be in love with mya...but i legit turned into a groupie when i got that autographed pic of rachel from justified...

and it was crazy cuz the first time i heard of it, it was like these dark skinned chicks from my highschool who niggaz treated like they were fucking goddesses in school, they was fashion show type chicks, just bad and knew they was bad... and they were talking about some dudes who would say they looked good for a darkskin girl, or the only thing wrong with them is they're a little too dark and they hear this a lot.....

thennnnnnnn i started thinking......cuz yall know i'm always thinking....

these are flat out no cut card undeniable dimes.....i would post their pictures but this is a no pic site, and i ain't gonna violate just to prove a point....these are beautiful women, who went through their entire life being treated as such.....

wasn't no niggaz in the hood, or at highschool gonna crack slick on them chicks cuz they was dark.... niggaz woulda mushed their own momma to kick it with them chick.....i remember i was there....

but when you look that good.....you naturally gonna switch up circles the more you step out in the world....its just the way the world works... beautiful people walk through more doors....like every bad chick in the world at some point experimented with modeling in some form.......

and that's because the men that were around you initially......we gonna put you on a pedestal because we love you and your beauty.....

but....when they start getting into them shallow ass fashion circles...where everybody fake as shit and all fickle....you gonna run into some diva ass people who say silly shit like...oh u too dark.....

mean while i'm like...man that shit dumb....stop letting dummies shape your opinion of the world... you're still as beautiful as you were the first time some dude broke down and confessed it to you......

yall gotta stop letting that self esteem be so fragile