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College FB player kills trans person after sex

You gotta tell someone b4 its gets sexual that you are a man.

That shit is dangerous.

Come on now.

In this Day and Age, when Transexuals and Homosexuals are literally busting out of the Closet to declare who they are, why are some of them STILL not coming clean?

I've said this many times about Transexuals that some of you alluded to in this Thread, their whole thing is about DECEPTION. Plain and simple.

And they get OFF on it. Some of them brag about tricking Men into thinking their Women and taunt them about it when it's finally revealed who they REALLY are.

To a few who are claiming that some are in the Closet still because they're afraid they might be killed, that's a falsehood. I've heard alot of Transsexuals admit that they don't come out because they're afraid of being rejected, not assaulted or murdered. It's like that never crosses their mind. They're just Thirstbuckets looking for some Trouser Meat, so they cruise Str8 Bars and the Internet looking to trick some poor unsuspecting Schmuck who had too much to drink into taking them Home so they can get their Gums blown out.

But GAAAAH DAAAMN at that Young'uns reaction. That is the basis of Overkill. Dude just basically ruined his Life and is now about to end up in the Pen surrounded by Gangstalicious MoFos who are all about that Life. Add to the fact that this might even be considered a H8 Crime, and he might be doing some serious Time.

Ooo-wee, Crime of Passion is a Muthafucka. (Pause)

Come on now.

In this Day and Age, when Transexuals and Homosexuals are literally busting out of the Closet to declare who they are, why are some of them STILL not coming clean?

I've said this many times about Transexuals that some of you alluded to in this Thread, their whole thing is about DECEPTION. Plain and simple.

And they get OFF on it. Some of them brag about tricking Men into thinking their Women and taunt them about it when it's finally revealed who they REALLY are.

To a few who are claiming that some are in the Closet still because they're afraid they might be killed, that's a falsehood. I've heard alot of Transsexuals admit that they don't come out because they're afraid of being rejected, not assaulted or murdered. It's like that never crosses their mind. They're just Thirstbuckets looking for some Trouser Meat, so they cruise Str8 Bars and the Internet looking to trick some poor unsuspecting Schmuck who had too much to drink into taking them Home so they can get their Gums blown out.

But GAAAAH DAAAMN at that Young'uns reaction. That is the basis of Overkill. Dude just basically ruined his Life and is now about to end up in the Pen surrounded by Gangstalicious MoFos who are all about that Life. Add to the fact that this might even be considered a H8 Crime, and he might be doing some serious Time.

Ooo-wee, Crime of Passion is a Muthafucka. (Pause)


Yep. But various ppl do things for various reasons

But like the old saying goes...

Honesty is the best policy
I worked with trans female in 2018. Her and a Mexican dude from parks and Recreation were always flirting heavy! One day im walkng into our north building I hear the receptionist and what I think is a man talking. I turn the corner its jayde from our downtown offices as soon as she sees me, she changed her voice to that baby voice that white girls use. I was like yo! Her normal voice sounds like Kathleen Turner's!
I still think the victim should’ve disclosed their original gender set before the dome shot came in. They both had to have known young bul was gonna wanna go past that and would’ve found out the truth. You’ve already tempted young man with a preview of sorts; why assume he wouldn’t come back for the whole thing?

I don’t excuse this killing tho. Duke bout to get 60-life over this, and he earned it. Beating someone’s ass is one thing. Not even doing an anonymous call to help that person is another. And like others said; he was a DIVISION 1 football player on a college campus. I’m sure all the groupie puss he was about to have in Blackburn, VA would washed that stench away in his mind.
Sad all the way around.

All of this could've been prevented.

Don't understand why the LGBTQ community isn't stressing the importance of full disclosure.

Or why trans people are so intent on pursuing men who they know aren't interested in trans women.

Almost seems predatory.
They believe that men that reject trans people are transphobic.

I can’t co-sign that movement at all. You can’t say people are fat phobic for not dating fat people, or Peladophobic for not dating bald muhfuckas. People have a certain preference, and most men prefer women who were BORN women. Not disclosing this feels like they’ve clearly been deceived, especially since some trans folk go to great lengths to conceal this.
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