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Colin Kapernick Protest

Y'all still on that?

You niggas need to let it go, y'all complaining more that the mf'er who its actually affecting.

@Joshua Sanchez

Why should we stop being on it? That is the problem with niggas. Cacs stay on cue when it comes to spreading and enforcing their supremacy, while niggas get distracted by their own frivolous shit.

So, you guys are telling me that talking about food is more important than this? Right...
My whole thing is, yall worrying about the wrong thing. At the end of the day, it's their company. You can't tell a mf how to run their company and I'm scratching my head at why even waste ur time. I'm not just talking about the NFL, I'm talking about when this shit happens at the grammys or Walmart, etc. Why waste all that energy trying to change one thing within a white corporation to have to do the same shit again next year when you're outraged about the next thing. When you could be using all that energy to create our own shit. But we're too worried about getting a crumb off of their plate instead of making our own plate.

On the real I'm more pissed about how they did Vick (an actually great player) than this nigga.
You won't live to see a black owned sport in your lifetime b

I don't see this as complaining as much as continuing reminding those that see it as a one off situation. It's bigger than a sport, it's bigger a player.

I'm glad Jay is choosing to finally use his voice to help his ppl but let's not act like Jay ain't doing it from of place of complete luxury. If every major player in music and entertainment decided to black ball him and his wife they'd still be straight.

Colin don't have that luxury so yes, for myself, I'm a bring up every instance of his mistreatment in the NFL and it's bigoted owners and the League as a whole

IDC if niggas tired of hearing about it.
You won't live to see a black owned sport in your lifetime b

I don't see this as complaining as much as continuing reminding those that see it as a one off situation. It's bigger than a sport, it's bigger a player.

I'm glad Jay is choosing to finally use his voice to help his ppl but let's not act like Jay ain't doing it from of place of complete luxury. If every major player in music and entertainment decided to black ball him and his wife they'd still be straight.

Colin don't have that luxury so yes, for myself, I'm a bring up every instance of his mistreatment in the NFL and it's bigoted owners and the League as a whole

IDC if niggas tired of hearing about it.

lol yall can cry all u want, we just aint giving a fuck. Most importantly, Colin would've prolly been cut anyway. Yall actin like we talkin about Mcnabb or something, cut the shit.

And all that "we're never gonna see a black ___" is foolishness. We'd still be slaves with that mentality.
@Joshua Sanchez

Why should we stop being on it? That is the problem with niggas. Cacs stay on cue when it comes to spreading and enforcing their supremacy, while niggas get distracted by their own frivolous shit.

So, you guys are telling me that talking about food is more important than this? Right...
That's the problem with black people though, we stay getting outraged at the wrong shit. Stop worrying about kap being black balled worry more about the lack of black businesses, the school to prison pipeline, black college graduates etc. This is temporary shit, that's gonna happen again and again because they own the nfl, and stop looking to white people as the blueprint.

It's something I'm tired of seeing too, jews and asians, stay focused on getting money and keeping strong community/familial ties, they're not worried about a mediocre athlete getting signed to be a 2nd string qb. That's what we need to be on, building our future generations up, to have a mindset of prosperity instead of that "whoa is me" attitude that permeates our community. Having a positive, goal focused mindset is so important to a community, there's no limit to what you can do with that kind of mentality.
I agree with most of the posts made. I was gonna use the same reference as Goldie in regards to popular, white owned companies distributors like The Grammy's, Chik Fil A, and Uber, to name a few. We tend look for acceptance from white ppl from all walks of life, but forwhat? I understand why ppl are upset, but Im not focused on being outraged. It's about where you choose to channel your energy and how that energy actually contributes to our (ppl of color) well-being. Is helping or hurting the cause?

White ppl will always be threatened by our existence. I wish, as a whole, the blk population recognized their potential and excellence.

Idk how much sense or nonsense Im speaking.
Okay, I see how you niggas are viewing the situation, a bit to narrow for my liking.

I am not saying that Kap mastered-mind this entire situation, but it is bringing forth a lot of hypocrisies that exist in this country.

First off, this situation happening in a popular avenue like the NFL is great because it is going to reach a wider and more diverse audience than typical news outlets.

It is showing that non-blacks are okay with the status quo. You can be an attempted murderer, dog killer, or women beater, but if you choose not to peacefully salute a flag that has questionable representation, then you are considered more of a villain than those aforementioned people.

Football, or sports in general, is supposed to be a medium where people of all backgrounds come together and work towards a common goal.

However, seeing the lack of non-black players speaking up, we are witnessing that working towards on a common goal only starts and ends on the playing field. Shit, these players bleed, sweat, eat, and travel together, and they don't consider each other family?

These leagues make money off the images of black athletes, but have a problem when these images decide to speak for themselves?

That is a lot of hypocrisies while maintaining the status quo to go around.

You guys are talking about money, right? Aren't sports cranking out more black millionaires than any other medium in North America?

If you get these niggas to care, then that is where you get your black buying power from...

A lot of misguided motherfuckers like Michael Vick, Dez Bryant, and Jermichael Finley are getting wake up calls.

I would say this Kap situation is more of a catalyst than anything. Don't look at it from a limited point of view.
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Dude is more value to the black community outside the league than in it.

I don't agree with boycotting till he get signed. I don't want him throwing a football.

I want him angry about injustice and motivating trendy people to be woke and vocal.

I also don't really give a fuck about the nfl.

While I'll watch, I have no qualms with seeing them uncomfortable and forced to address certain issues due to public pressure.

Also not watching isn't the way to effectively boycott.

Boycott their disputes sponsor's.

Mars candy
Fed ex
Anheiser Busch or whatever

There's quite a few....pressure them fools too....

I don't think it'll work..but I don't mind seeing them squirm......so by all means.....give'em hell....

All this shit is stupid for real....them cac's ain't never gonna really care....I feel like niggaz trying to force an honest conversation outta motherfucker's who content on lying....

They just mad to be mad at this point
I bet if you niggas were on the bus with Rosa Parks, then y'all would be on some "Hurry and get up bitch! I ain't trying to be late for work!", wouldn't y'all?

It is all about symbolism guys.
You niggas talk about stop fighting for white acceptance, but don't they own everything? To get anywhere, we will have to go through them.

We have to get them to use the same rulebook for us that they use from themselves.
Y'all protesting for a nigga who is already rich to get richer?

I'm not familiar with what he does but is he putting some of them millions in black communities? If so, that's awesome.

Why isn't everybody protesting this hard when it comes to EVERYTHING that helps or hurts our black people. Don't pick and choose. Protest these Asian owned beauty supply stores. Protest about the lack of money and programs that's given to the schools that's predominantly black and doing poor educational wise. Protest something that affects you more directly than this. Whether Colin plays or not he's rich. If you're gonna protest, protest something that's going to impact you directly because when this is all said and done this is another one of those outta sight, outta mind issues. Give it a year, everybody will be on to the next thing to be mad about and this will be the furthest thing in mind.
In the case of Rosa this was something we are standing for......

Everybody was riding the back pig the bus.

Black women shouldn't be faced with arrest for not giving up Seat....

That's some real ass shit every black person in the nation can directly relate to....

That's not the same as not playing football in the nfl cuz you choose the path of an activist.....

While I 100% support dude, I ain't pressed to see him on a team.....I watch football.....

Seeing a woman locked up for not giving up a seat....That's gonna resonate a lot more
I ain't editing them auto corrects.....

Even if they butcher my posts
I understand why niggas sometimes get tired of talking about racism.

We are so unorganized. You got dumb niggas trying to speak for everyone else. You got niggas whose heart is full of hate like Unsensored that makes them no better than racist cacs we hate collectively. You got niggas who are lost trying to look for a cause like Khaleesi. You got niggas trying to profit off the situation like Tariq Nasheed who was first a YouTube pimp turned YouTube black activist. You see how our message is getting diluted due to everyone having their own ulterior motive, right?

Back to the Tariq example, he once admitted that if he got enough money, then he would retire from activism. What dedication, right?

We need to become more streamlined. I have several ideas.
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And Rosa movement actually brought some change all them black people stop riding them buses for a long time.
In the case of Rosa this was something we are standing for......

Everybody was riding the back pig the bus.

Black women shouldn't be faced with arrest for not giving up Seat....

That's some real ass shit every black person in the nation can directly relate to....

That's not the same as not playing football in the nfl cuz you choose the path of an activist.....

While I 100% support dude, I ain't pressed to see him on a team.....I watch football.....

Seeing a woman locked up for not giving up a seat....That's gonna resonate a lot more

And Rosa movement actually brought some change all them black people stop riding them buses for a long time.

Homie chose to exercise his right to free speech, and a lot of people are catching feelings due to that fact.

Yeah, he did it while on the job which is probably not a good thing.

However, nothing in the NFL rulebook against what he did.

Did he have to speak up? Nope, but he did even though knowing it would cost him dearly.

That is trill shit right there.
That's the problem with black people though, we stay getting outraged at the wrong shit. Stop worrying about kap being black balled worry more about the lack of black businesses, the school to prison pipeline, black college graduates etc. This is temporary shit, that's gonna happen again and again because they own the nfl, and stop looking to white people as the blueprint.

It's something I'm tired of seeing too, jews and asians, stay focused on getting money and keeping strong community/familial ties, they're not worried about a mediocre athlete getting signed to be a 2nd string qb. That's what we need to be on, building our future generations up, to have a mindset of prosperity instead of that "whoa is me" attitude that permeates our community. Having a positive, goal focused mindset is so important to a community, there's no limit to what you can do with that kind of mentality.

But why can't we focus on more than one thing? Why is it that we gotta prioritize our issues, and focus on one thing at a time? An issue is an issue. Regardless how big or small it is. Black folks in the communities watch football too.

The shyt wit Kap is a problem b/c its just another way silencing black athletes. Throwing a couple of millions of dollars at these players does not mean they should stay silent on issues that affect the communities.
We all know the shyt is straight bullshyt.

You tryin tell me folks are fine wit muthafuccas who get charged wit domestic violence, failing drug tests, or arrested for DUI on a regular basis...vs...a player who SILENTLY protests unarmed black men being killed by police?? Someone plz explain the logic in this.

Me, along wit a majority of the black students in my high school didn't say the pledge of allegiance. Mainly b/c of the history this country has wit blacks. Does that make me UnAmerican? Does that mean we don't love our country? A lot of people got this perception that our country has done no wrong. Or that we can't love our country and criticize it at the same time. We call out other countries for their faults, but our country is off limits? Is that what folks are really saying??

We gotta get outta that defeated, "Nothing is gonna change so why bother" attitude man. B/c that's the same attitude thats gotten us the current muthafucca in the WH.
Homie chose to exercise his right to free speech, and a lot of people are catching feelings due to that fact.

Yeah, he did it while on the job which is probably not a good thing.

However, nothing in the NFL rulebook against what he did.

Did he have to speak up? Nope, but he did even though knowing it would cost him dearly.

That is trill shit right there.
That's cool and all but why does he have to be in the NFL? He can do that without having to play on a team.