Christmas Gift Ideas

finished all my shit yesterday for my daughter

got about everything from Walmark. It was cold and rainy so it wasnt THAT packed.

My total goal was to spend $150 on her...with only one item left to get that I have to order on Amazon, i'll come in at around $130.

For tha past 15-20 years I’ve done all my Xmas shopping on tha 23rd & 24th...I like to go out high af wit my list I’ve BEEN making and watch everybody in tha stores freaking out and rushing around and calmness in their chaos makes me feel at peace...that’s my Xmas gift to myself...well that and some shoes or some shit

On topic...definitely go wit’ gift cards or cash for your brothers...unless you know of something they would want but never buy for themselves
Honestly, mfs are getting gift cards this year for the most part and they should be happy I’m even celebrating this shit even a little bit.
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I am trying to figure out though if an air fryer would be a good Christmas present for my grandmother.

My mother has my style when it comes to shoes so I was thinking of ordering her some and just having them shipped directly to her.
My girl is so hard to shop for. She’s into doing crafts so I’m thinking of going that route because she hates for me to buy jewelry or clothes for her. I just don’t know what to get her.