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Chris Brown Accused of Rape In France

so because you obsessed with an ex you can be a rapist now?
and the rihanna thing....whatever..but that dont make you a rapist.

thats like saying if a nigga lies....he can kill
Cause technically it’d be shoplifting

yea I know, terrible joke

he said high class hookers

anything over $1K is felony theft

BUT seeing as how possession is 9/10 of the law it may be a tough one

Wtf is this bitch talking about?
They all don't know if it's true but yet he needs to do better..
Bet money when this blows over eve won't even know the name of the bitch that accused him and she won't care
Chris Brown is walking around Paris without fear of getting cuffed and hauled back to the police station, because cops found his rape accuser's story almost impossible to believe ... TMZ has learned.

One source directly connected to the case tells us, "The weakest part of the case is the alleged victim's statement to police."

We're told she told cops that Chris raped her in his hotel suite dressing room for somewhere between 25 and 30 minutes. She says she then went into another room and was raped again, this time by one of Brown's friends. And then, she said she was "abused" for a third time in another room. We're told police believe the story doesn't hold water because she never attempted to leave or alert anyone of the 20 or so people who were in the living room.

Right or wrong, we're told that's why cops made the decision to release Brown without any conditions, including surrendering his passport. A source close to Brown says police actually apologized to Brown when they let him go.

What's especially interesting ... Brown didn't beeline it for the airport. He's staying in Paris -- at the same hotel -- apparently without fear he'll be arrested again. We're told the investigation is still ongoing, although it seems authorities have made some fundamental decisions about the case


Brown certainly acted like he was exonerated Wednesday, when he mingled in public, proclaiming his love for everyone.

One Brown source said, "An innocent man shouldn't be worried about staying at a place where he didn't commit a crime."
That type of thinking is what got Biggie shot. In other words. Get. The. Fuck. Out.
Yea he should come back to America at least they're not after his head here

Lol I actually agree with u he should leave. Prolly go chill in Africa or the Caribbean.
she told cops that Chris raped her in his hotel suite dressing room for somewhere between 25 and 30 minutes. She says she then went into another room and was raped again, this time by one of Brown's friends. And then, she said she was "abused" for a third time in another room.

She would have to be on of the unluckiest ladies in the history of rape if all that was true.