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Can we kill the myth of body language?

I find handshakes interesting (i can’t stand weak handshakes) but I see them as a like a mini battle/mental game...

I learnt if you offer a hand shake (like many religious leaders do) with your hand facing up and low, its like an offering of peace and welcoming, a symbol of peace and an offer to squashing disagreements (i guess its kinda obvious really)…

And also if you shake someones hand, and then they go one extra and put a hand on your shoulder or arm, I find its generally a show of confidence or power by them, if someone does that to me I then counter by tapping or holding onto their shoulder/arm or something, its like a mini passive aggressive game haha if you watch Trump or other leaders you will probably see them doing this move…

Holding onto a handshake extra long (so you cant pull your hand away) is a of move I dont like, its seems a dominating move, if someone does that to me, I play the game of grabbing their shoulder and keep eye contact, like I see what your doing and raise you one, Im not intimidated haha

There are various other handshake techniques, but tbh most things are natural… I think using your hands whilst talking as gestures of what your talking about or trying to explain makes what your saying more convincing too, and shows confidence...
i just tell a nigga to let my hand go.

aint got time for games...but that just put that person closer to a fade for the disrespect attempt

So you would start a fight in a business meeting or in professional environment and possibly break a deal or something over some bullschitt like that??? Or in front of kids?? Im not talking about someone refusing to let your hand go for like 20second and being aggressive like they want to start something...

Im on about that 2, 3 seconds of unnecessary handshake, its a power move... I just counter it by belittling/sonning them with laugh, pull them forward and tap their shoulder... Im gonna knock someone out in a business meeting or in front of kids because they held a handshake 2, 3 seconds too long lol I might make a joke like 'I thought you wernt gonna let go there' and make them feel abit of idiot if I really didnt like them...

Im not gonna smash the office up like Cube did Ruthless over a handshake though lol


So you would start a fight in a business meeting or in professional environment and possibly break a deal or something over some bullschitt like that??? Or in front of kids?? Im not talking about someone refusing to let your hand go for like 20second and being aggressive like they want to start something...

Im on about that 2, 3 seconds of unnecessary handshake, its a power move... I just counter it by belittling/sonning them with laugh, pull them forward and tap their shoulder... Im gonna knock someone out in a business meeting or in front of kids because they held a handshake 2, 3 seconds too long lol I might make a joke like 'I thought you wernt gonna let go there' and make them feel abit of idiot if I really didnt like them...

Im not gonna smash the office up like Cube did Ruthless over a handshake though lol

honestly......someone trying to do some shit like this would make me not want to work with them.

but i did almost fight a guys over the handshaking shit at my cousins wedding.

but i stand firm on the not letting my hand go shit....i will verbally say it first

I also read the posts disregarding the validity of body language.
well you know this is about the business world and how people think they have an upper hand by doing certain things....not about if your lady is cheating..

thats two different things.
well you know this is about the business world and how people think they have an upper hand by doing certain things....not about if your lady is cheating..

thats two different things.
Negative Ghost Rider.

The lessons learned in the workplace regarding Body Language also applies to courtships.

Or is work not a type of... Relationship?

To disregard it in one facet of life means it will be disregarded in others. Dig?
Negative Ghost Rider.

The lessons learned in the workplace regarding Body Language also applies to courtships.

Or is work not a type of... Relationship?

To disregard it in one facet of life means it will be disregarded in others. Dig?
ok.....i see the two as different because i am looking for different things in both.

while others may see them as one in the same.

in a relationship....at least in mine....wifey aint gotta pretend to do certain shit to appear a certain way to me. there is no need.
in business ....certain people may want to appear a certain way. but that type of relationship is not that important to me.